Our Gallery
Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 8:01am
This week we have continued to enjoy our 'Farm Shop' role play. The children have had new produce to sell including leeks, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and carrots. They have loved being the shop keeper and dressing up!
The children have loved reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and can now retell the story themselves. In English we have read ‘Homes’ by Ellis Carson, whilst still thinking about poor Mr Bear in ‘Peace at Last’, who cannot get any sleep!
The children have continued to be in awe of autumn and we have talked about how God made everything in our world. They have made autumn salt paintings and explored autumnal colours. The children have listened to a range of songs about our beautiful world. They have met Sophia the Sloth to learn about Catholic Social Teaching and stewardship.
Outside the children have enjoyed refining their gross motor skills on the bikes and by making trampoline parks out of the crates!
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 8:30pm
Year one have been developing skills in Netball and Tennis this half term.
We have enjoyed using different equipment to help practise these skills before we are able to play actual games.
Delilah - I loved using balloons to practise forehand and backhand.
Matthew - I am good at bouncing in the hoop.
Jonas - We need to be careful where we swing.
Clay - We can attack and defend.
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 8:22pm
Year 1 have been using Purple Mash this half term and learning how to log in safely.
We have found out about keeping password information private and practising how to input this information.
On Purple Mash we can now find tasks that have been set by our teacher called '2Do's' and have also had fun designing an avatar.
Harry - You cannot tell anybody your secret word for logging in.
Meredith - It's to keep you safe.
Polly - I liked doing the shape sorting activity.
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 12:03pm
As part of CAFOD Family Fast Day, pupils in KS2 were given the opportunity to join our CAFOD Simple Lunch.
Instead of their usual school dinner, these KS2 pupils chose to have a simple lunch of soup, bread and fruit, to show Solidarity and respect Human Dignity two of our Catholic Social Teaching principles. This showed how we can think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves and only have our fair share.
Y6 - Parent Collective Worship - Justice
Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 1:30pm
Year 6 led a Collective Worship on our school theme for the year which is justice.
We explored the theme of justice and explained the meaning of this and how we can be just in our lives.
We explored the theme of justice through song, drama, prayer and scripture.
Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 1:11pm
In Year 6, have been enjoying our lessons in PE this half term.
We have been learning how to play table tennis and have been improving our skills every week.
We even read about the history of the sport and found out that people used to play with cigar box lids and champagne corks when the game was first played.
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 5
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:53pm
This week we have taken part in some creative work, we have been finger painting! All children took part! Some children were a little bit more reserved at first but enjoyed it in the end! We have also been doing lots of mark making with hand over hand support when necessary.
We introduced some sensory toys in the blue classroom this week and the children have loved them! In the yellow classroom, we have been covering the children with different materials. We have heard lots of giggles and seen lots of smiles from all of the children. We have also been completing lots of insert puzzles and been using the coloured pegs with some children even saying some of the numbers too.
We have all continued to enjoy our time outside with some children even having a go at riding the tricycles and balance bikes which we have outside during lunch time. This week, we have started to master the object of reference for outside with all children following it at some point. We will be continuing to practise this so that it is consistent for all children.
Have a lovely weekend.
The SEND team
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 8:21am
This half term Year 3 have used Purple Mash to focus on our Coding skills
We have refreshed our memory of what coding is, how we create a code and some of the rules that the code must follow.
We have now begun to use flow charts to create our own codes using timers, and debug programmes with timers.
"I had to change my code a few times because it didn't work, but I worked out that it was because the code was not nested inside the other one" - Ethan
"I had to make the magician's rabbit disappear after 5 seconds and then reappear after another 5. I completed the code really quickly and got onto the next challenge" - Penelope.
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 8:18am
Our KS2 CAFOD club have focused on Solidarity this first few weeks of the half term.
We researched CAFOD Family Fast Day and created some posters to promote our Simple Lunch in school.
We have also watched CAFOD's national assembly and thought of more ways we can live in solidarity with others.
"I really enjoy joining with others in CAFOD club and thinking of ways to help people" - Maro
"It is my first time in CAFOD club and I am really enjoying it" - James
Y4 - Collective Worship for LKS2 - Pope Francis and Our Common Home
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 8:16am
Today 4CS planned and delivered their Collective Worship based on Pope Francis,
They took his message to look after our common home and shared ideas on stewardship.
Maro wrote her own prayer for our respond section which we read together.
Lola and Lucy thought about what we could Go Forth and do in the week ahead to appreciate and admire God's world.
"It really made me think about how great the world is" - Henry
"I would have liked to sing another song about the world at the end" - Annie
Y1 - Collective Worship for KS1 - Pope Francis
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 10:14pm
Another group of children from Year one took a turn in planning their own Collective Worship today with help from Mrs Devonport and Mrs Dooley.
They confidently chose important items to add to the focus table, including a photo of Pope Francis.
We heard a story from the Bible about the first Pope, Simon Peter. Jesus called him a rock!
We thought about what makes somebody a good leader and the children shared words to describe important qualities for our Pope.
We ended by all saying the Pope's prayer for children from his charity, Mission Together.
These are some of the things we said when we talked about how our Collective Worship had gone today:
"I was proud of the special table I helped with today" - Harry
"I want to be kind like Pope Francis" - Jonas "And loving" - Zach
"I really liked the children's prayer" - Joel
"I would really like to have a little photo of Pope Francis" - Grace
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:15pm
To consolidate our learning on place value we played a competition in which we kept score by adding or subtracting 1, 10 or 100. The winner wasn't the first to the finish but the person with the highest score which we compared at the end.
"I was really lucky, I kept getting + 100s" - William
"Our game was really close, I got 845 and Ethan got 832" - Luca
Extra Curricular - Mini Vinnies
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:13pm
Our Mini Vinnies club have just wrote speeches and elected our President, Vice President, Secretary & Communications Officer
Whole School - Sign Language Awareness Week
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:03pm
We celebrated Sign Language Awareness week by inviting Father Mark into school to teach us some sign language.
We spoke about why Sign Language is important so that everyone is treated fairly and justly, linking to our Year of Justice and the Catholic Social Teaching principle of Human Dignity.
Father Mark wrote a prayer with our help that we will use throughout our Year of Justice and we learnt the signs for fair, hunger, thirst and rights.
We also then followed this up by learning how to spell our own names in British Sign Language, taking home a sheet to share this with our families.
"My name was really hard to sign because I have a double letter" - William
"I really enjoyed working with Father Mark, I'm excited to hear the final prayer" - Penelope
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 4:49pm
Our shared reading text is now 'A Squash and a Squeeze' and we have been learning all about the farm.
The children are loving our new role play, the farm shop.
They have had real produce to sell and have certainly filled their baskets!
We have all enjoyed singing ‘Old Mac Donald had a fam’ with the puppets.
The children have also been experimenting printing with different animals.
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 4:43pm
We have had another busy but exciting week in EYFS.
The children have enjoyed continuing to read our shared reading text, 'Whatever Next' and our English text, 'Peace at Last'. They have been thinking about what keeps Mr Bear up at nigjt.
They have made pizzas for Mr Bear to eat out of playdough.
All of the children have loved doing 'dough disco' and have been working on their fine motor skills.
Pre school have learnt all about the number 2 and have made their own number 2 number blocks,
Reception have now learnt the sounds s, a, t, and p and have been working on forming these letters correctly. In maths they have been investigating number 4.
Date: 29th Sep 2024 @ 9:39pm
We visited Crosby Beach to look at coastal erosion.
We used sand, rocks and other bits we could find to make our own sea defences. We then tested these out.
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 4
Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:55pm
We have had another brilliant week in the Rainbow Unit. The children are beginning to get used to our school routine and are beginning to follow some objects of reference.
This week, we have been working on our fine motor skills, using tweezers to pick up different shapes and place them in a box and pushing the beads along the bead maze.
We have also enjoyed using the different tools to cut and make shapes in the play doh and have been completing a shape sorting activity.
This week we have introduced the children in groups to the front playground during lunch times. All of them have really enjoyed mixing with the reception children and exploring the play ground equipment that we have outside at that time.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The SEND team
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 3
Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:47pm
You all should be so proud of your incredible children, because we are!
This week we have mastered everyone sitting down at the same time to eat their lunch at lunchtime!
We have been taking part in intensive interaction this week with the children and they are becoming so familiar with us as their teachers and accepting us to take part in their play, which is amazing!
We have been making use of the lovely weather and spent a lot of time outdoors! We have been playing with bubbles outdoors, working on our anticipation skills of ready, steady, go! We also brought the perspex shapes outside and some children enjoyed looking through them seeing the different colours!
We introduced some new cause and effect toys such as the click clack track for the cars- the children have enjoyed this a lot!
We also introduced a logical thinking game with numbers and padlock trains, some children enjoyed working out the correct locks and even ordering the numbers! Well done!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we think the children will sleep tonight after their first full week in big school!
The SEND Team
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 2
Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:45pm
What an amazing week we’ve had in school!
The children have surprised us so much on how well they have settled into “big school” and returned to school!
Although they are still very independent in how they play they are accepting their new friends to be in their space and play alongside them, which we are so proud of them for!
This week we have continued to explore our setting, playing with new toys and getting familiar with all adults.
Today has been our first full day and what a lovely day the children have had, they have coped amazingly, sticking to our jam packed timetable of learning and fun!
We have continued to be consistent using our objects of reference and some of the children have taken to this straight away, our three superstars from last year (Tilly, Dhruv and Andrew) have been leading the way when it comes to objects of references, teaching our new children!
The children have coped very well with the snack time and the lunch hall too! All sitting whilst eating!
With it being our first full day, we have started in our new classes. We have sent you all a message today letting you know what class your children are in!
Have a lovely weekend!
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 1
Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 4:37pm
Welcome back to the first term of 2024-2025! We are so proud of all the children for the way they have come into school this week and adapted to their next chapter in their educational journey. The children have lots of time exploring their new classroom and outdoor area at their own pace. The children have coped really well with moving between the different areas in our environment. We have introduced objects of reference this week which will aid us in our transitions and all of the adults will be consistently using these in the coming weeks.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to seeing all the children again on Monday.
The SEND team
Y5 - Townhall Visit - Democracy and Parliament Week
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 12:42pm
Today, Year 5 went to the Townhall to meet the Mayor. We had a lovely trip and learned lots about democracy and the history of Widnes and Runcorn.
Josh: I enjoyed our trip because I live in Halton
Mia: I loved pretending to be the Mayoress
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 12:13pm
Year 5 took part in Bikeability. Level 1 was learning how to use signs when out on the road and level 2 was going out on the roads using these signs.
Emmie: I was nervous at first but I got used to it.
Ebony: I really enjoyed it.
Ruby: The skills we learned we will be able to use through life.
Date: 24th Sep 2024 @ 7:51am
In science the children have been learning all about different materials. For homework the children made Material Monsters from recyclable materials.
Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:42pm
This week we have been enjoying reading our shared reading text 'Whatever Next'.
In the story, Baby Bear visits space and it made the children wonder what it would feel like to be in space.
The children explored in a sensory tray working on their fine motor skills.
With Miss Clark the children made some sensory moon dough too.