We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

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Y5 & Y6 - Read to Succeed Summer 1

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:58pm

Years 5 and 6 continued with the Read to Succeed challenge this half term. Children had to read five times a week in order to earn a reading book to keep from a selection they chose themselves. Well done to all the children who succeed in the challenge. We are so proud of you!

Being able to choose the Tom Gates books as a prize for Read to Succeed made me want to read more so that I could earn one of them to take home. – Freddie

I like to complete the Read to Succeed challenge because it helps me with my learning and a get a reward of a book that I would like to read. – Jessie

I like Read to Succeed because it encourages me to read. I felt really proud when I got my book. – Ellissa

I like Read to Succeed because you get to read and you get a prize at the end of it. – Charlie

I am so happy that I completed ‘Read to Succeed’ because now I have another great book to read. The book that I chose was one of the Goosebumps books. – Alyssa

It was my first time getting Read to Succeed and I felt proud of myself for getting a prize from reading. – Darcie

This was my first time finishing Read to Succeed. I enjoyed this challenge because it encourages me and other students to read. I chose Dogman because I like reading comics and it looked very funny. I felt super excited but nervous at the same time. - Cody

A big congratulations to Alex, Charlie, Darcie and Cody who have completed Read to Succeed for the first time this half term!

Y6 - Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Visit

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:50pm

In March, we visitied the Royal Philharmonic to listen to the orchestra play a selection of music that has been inspired by sporting events. We took part in the schools' concert 'Going for Gold: The Orchestral Olympics' which was to celebrate the coming Olympics in Paris. 

To prepare, we had to learn a song called 'Personal Best' which we sang with many other schools as the orchestra performed. 

The conductor of the orchestra was called Michael Seal and we even had a go at conducting ourselves!

"I enjoyed the orchestra because it was energetic and was a new experience for me." Harley 

"I loved the orchestra. I have never experienced this amazing thing. My favourite part was the music. I would love to go again." Jorgie

EY & Y6 - Easter Crafts with Prayer Partners

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:33pm

We met with our prayer partners to create some Easter crafts. 

We made cards, hats, Easter nests and decorated crosses to hang on a tree. 

"I liked all of the different activities and helping my prayer partner to make their crafts." Freya

"I liked that we helped the reception children to create things which they could keep as a memory." Matthew

Y6 - Models of Blood

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:24pm

As part of our Science topic on The Circulatory System, we made models of blood and what it is made up of. 

We used a variety of materials such as beads, film and cotton wool to represent the different parts of the blood. 

"I learnt that the blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets." Annabelle

"I liked that we worked togther in groups and got to be creative." Alex

EY & Y6 - Christmas Crafts with Prayer Partners

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:13pm

Year 6 met with our prayer partners to help them to create Christmas crafts. 

We made cards, hats and baubles. 

"It was nice to spend time with my prayer partner and help them to make their Christmas decorations." Lilliana

"I thought it was nice to show my prayer partner how to take part in the activities and to help them to do it more independently." Freddie

EY & Y6 - Meeting their Prayer Partners

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 1:32pm

As part of our leadership roles in Year 6, we met our prayer partners in Reception. 

We read books and played with our prayer partners to get to know them. We will meet with them throughout the year and work on various activities together. 

"I liked playing with my prayer partner. They were calm and played nicely with us." Kian 

"I liked how enthusiastic the reception children were to meet us." Sierra

Y6 - Thurstaston Beach Visit

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 1:15pm

As part of our Autumn Geography topic on coasts, we visited Thurstaston Beach. 

We took part in a variety of activities including building our own sea defences, observing the effects of coastal erosion and sampling water quality. 

"I learnt that when the waves hit the cliffs, they begin to erode." Ava

"I learnt that the plant's roots can help to protect from coastal erosion." Oliver 

Y3 & Y4 - The Lost Sheep Roleplay

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:40am

As part of our unit 'Building Bridges' we explored the Parable of the Lost sheep. We were able to choose how we retold the story. Some of us created story maps or freeze frames with narration. Others told the whole parable through role play. 

"The parable shows that God loves everyone, even those who get lost" - Emmie

"The shepherd cared about all of his sheep equally, he did not want to lose even one, just like God" - Jacob

Y3 & Y4 - Textile Artwork

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:35am

As part of our textiles topic we focused on an underwater theme and the work of two artists.

First we made some still life sketches, focused on curves and movement in material.

Then we explored the work of Hannah Rae a textile artist.

We made some sketches from different marine creatures and added to them using different medium; chalk, pastels and crayon.

Then we chose our final sketch and enlarged this to A3 size.

Finally we have cut and added fabric to our sketch to create pattern, before adding stitching for detail. 

Y3 & Y4 - Respond Collective Worship - New Life

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:29am

As our Respond at the end of our New Life topic, we planned and delivered our Collective Worship in our mixed group classes.

Whole School - Christmas Jumper Day Coffee Morning

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:20am

As part of our Advent Charity event for Nugent Care, each year group learns a Christmas poem and performs a Christmas song during our Jumper Day Coffee Morning.

Whole School - 2p Challenge

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:09am

Every year, we raise funds for our PTA by taking part in the 2p Challenge.

Over a month, we collect as many 2ps as we can at home.

Then on the challenge day, we bring them in to school and create lines on the playground. 

We measure them and decide which year were the winners.


This year's winners were ... Year 4

EYFS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
16m 17m 20m 16m 43m 27m 32m

EYFS, Y1, Y2, Y3 & Y4 - Chester Zoo Visit

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 11:00am

We all spent the day visiting Chester Zoo as part of our work in Science 


Year 3 & 4 - Our Science topic was all about grouping animals. As we explored the zoo we looked out for mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians and invertebrates. We were very lucky to see so many animals in the good weather.

"My favourite animals were the penguins, they were so funny to watch" - Anthony Y4

"I really loved seeing the Andean Bear eat fruit from the top of the tree" - Maisie Y4

Y3 & Y4 - Christmas Production - The Donkey Seller

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 10:11am

Together, Year 3 & 4 put on our Christmas Production for parents.

It was called 'The Donkey Seller' and told the story of the Nativity through the eyes of a loyal seller and his herd of donkeys.

1 by 1 the donkeys are sold to special travellers who pass by. Mary needs a donkey to carry her to Bethlehem, the Shepherds need a donkey to carry Little Shep who is tired, and the kings need a donkey because one of their camels has hurt his foot. 

Eventually the donkey seller herself travels to see the amazing arrival in Bethlehem.

We had great fun learning and performing, some of us even played the hand chimes and recorders as part of the songs

"I loved being Little Shep, it made me really proud acting in front of everyone" - Henry 

"I was part of the sheep chorus and we got to do some fun joke lines in sheep voices" - Maro

"I played one of the main donkeys called Snuggle. I had lots of lines to learn and was a bit nervous, but it was fun performing it for parents" - Connie

Y3 - Parent Collective Worship - Giving & Receiving

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 10:03am

Year 3 led a wonderful Collective Worship for our families to join us.

Our theme was 'Giving and Receiving' 

We were able to share what these words meant to us. 

"I give when I help Mum & Dad out at home" - Lily

"I give my time for others and always try to include people in my games" - Curtis

"When I receive present for my birthday I show how grateful I am by giving the person a big hug" - Lola

We learnt and performed Noah & the Whale 'Give a Little Love'

Whole School Collective Worship - Crowning of Mary

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 8:33am

On Wednesday 22nd May, school celebrated a beautiful Collective Worship for the crowning of Mary as May is the month of Mary.

Thank you to Father Clarke for leading our worship alongside our RE Ambassadors and some Year 6 children. 

Y3 & Y4 - Electrical Circuits

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 3:52pm

We made series and parallel circuits to investigate the effect on the bulb

"We had to make sure that the bulb and battery were connected in a circuit to make the light turn on" - Kayden 

"Ours didn't work at first, so we had to do some problem solving to test which part of the circuit was faulty. It was the bulb" - Mia

Whole School - Mental Health Awareness Week

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 3:34pm

As part of this year's Mental Health Awareness Week theme of 'Moving more for Mental Health'.

The whole school took part in some active Zumba and watched the BBC live lesson. 

"I really enjoyed making my own Moodboosters routine with Henry to make us active and positive" - Maro

Y4 - Chinese Music Session

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 2:49pm

On 15th May, Year 4 were able to take part in a session about Chinese music.

They looked at different types of Chinese instruments and listened to a range of instruments being played.

Finally they were even able to play different rhythms on the drums!

Y4 - Residential to Tattenhall

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 2:44pm

In April, Year 4 went on an overnight residential trip to Tattenhall.

While we were there, we were able to take part in activities such as low ropes, tree climbing and the zip wire. We also completed an orienteering activity with Mr Gallimore and Miss Stockton.

We really enjoyed this trip and had lots of fun being outside.

In the evening, we had a very wet campfire and enjoyed singing camp fire songs. 

"I really enjoyed when got to climb up the tree and go down the zipline" - Joey

"I faced my fear of climbing the tree" - Heidi 


Y3 - Residential Catalyst Museum

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 11:19am

On Thursday 2nd May we took a trip to the Catalyst Museum in Widnes,

We took part in some orienteering, outdoor games and sound hunting before entering the museum galleries to learn more about our Science topics.

Then we had a workshop where we made soap whilst learning about the history of the Gossage's soap factory that the Catalyst is built in.

After dinner and watching 'Night at the Museum' we settled down for the night in the Observatory gallery. 

On Friday we took part in a Fantastic Light show before venturing back to school.

"I really enjoyed making my soap to take home" - Annie

"I thought I would be a bit afraid of sleeping at the top, but it was great fun" - Henry 

Whole School - Big Lent Walk

Date: 26th Mar 2024 @ 11:31am

Thank you to all who took part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk and for all your support, generous and kind donations.

We raised a fantastic amount of £375.00!

SJPS Big Lent Walk is fundraising for CAFOD

Y5 - Fire Brigade Visitors - Smoke Tent

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 3:52pm

The children in year 5 had a visit from the local Fire Brigade which involved the smoke tent, the children found this really interesting and wanted to get involved.

Whole School - Online Safety Performance

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 3:22pm

All of the children in school enjoyed a performance from Altru Drama all about Online Safety. 

This included

  • Why it is important not to share information online
  • Safe use of apps and social media
  • Cyber bullying

"I know now not to share my personal information and that once something is posted it can't always be deleted!" - Freya 

Whole School - Anti-Bullying Week Performance

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 3:06pm

On Thursday 9th November children in Year 1 to 6 attended an Anti-Bullying performance, led by Altru Drama Company.

The performance was called ‘Superhero School’.

The performance was about a girl called Max who loves science and she enjoys school, but doesn’t enjoy being picked on by Mikey.

Mikey thinks it’s just a laugh, and he’s too busy with his YouTube and TikTok videos to worry about Max’s feelings.

One day Max goes to school as normal, but everything has changed.

She finds herself at a school for superheroes – meeting the strangest characters – but learning a lot about herself and what to do about bullying.

The performance helped children to think about:

· How to use your voice and prevent bullying

· How to keep yourself and others safe

· Difference and diversity

· The importance of kindness

· What to do if you are being bullied – who to talk to and where to go for support

· How we make our schools fantastic places to be!

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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