Our Gallery
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:19am
The children have loved exploring and playing with our new sensory equipment in our classrooms this week! Between the two classrooms we have brand new soft play equipment, a mini trampoline for vestibular movement, a sensory light tube and a sensory bubble tube! The children are able to change the colours of the tubes and have loved exploring this! Scroll through the photos to see it all!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:18am
We have had another busy week in the resource base. This week the children have enjoyed playing in the spinning top in our outside area. All of the children have had a go at this and explored the different ways in which you can make it move. Some children have had a go at matching up the head to the correct animal. We have had some strange creatures being made but with adult support, they were able to match them up.
We hope you all have a lovely 2 weeks off and we look forward to welcoming the children back into school on Monday 10th June.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:16am
How lovely is this weather! The children have had lots of water play this week to cool down, including having an ice lolly for snack!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:16am
Exciting news! We have had a new visitor in our Resource Base this week called Andrew! The children have welcomed him with open arms and we are so happy to see how well he fits into our St Basil’s family!
It has been a busy week this week for the Resource Base. We have had some new outside equipment delivered for our outside area which all of the children have loved playing on especially the climbing apparatus. Some of the children have loved the transport equipment outside too and have played in the water, even watering the plants!
In our creative area, some of the children have been doing some mark making with pencils and felt tips. They have explored using both hands sometimes with hand over hand support when needed. They have continued to enjoy the sand and water play and have been using the sand spinners to fill the trucks! How clever!
Sticking with our topic of animals, Mrs Sheppard brought her trained dog in from home for all children in the school but Wilf (the dog) visited the Resource Base too. Some children where not too sure but some children loved him! We have also been using the animal matching jigsaw game to match the correct parts of the animals together and then making animal noises!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:15am
What a lovely week we have had! The children have continued to enjoy our animal topic and have been playing with and lining up the toy animals that we have in our classroom. We have looked at lots of images of animals from under the sea and from the rainforest. The children have continued to enjoy our nursery rhymes, particularly ‘old Mac Donald had a farm’ with some of the children even singing parts and making animal noises.
All of the children have really enjoyed being outside this week. We have been using ‘ready, steady, go’ when pushing things down the ramp and running around and the children have shown lots of eye contact when waiting to hear ‘go’.
Throughout the week, we have been reinforcing with the children our everyday routines including picking resources up off the floor. All of the children are able to do this with hand over hand support however this week, some children have done this independently following an instruction from an adult. This is something that we will continue to work on as we progress through the term.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:14am
This week we have continued with our animal topic. We have been engaging in intensive interactions using animal noises! Some child have enjoyed looking at the puppets and even watching themselves in the mirror. The children have played beautifully together this week, acknowledging each other more frequently and engaging in the same activity. Story time with Mrs Mort was a big hit and all the children have had story time at some point in the week. Some children enjoyed banging objects on the railings outside so we introduced ‘boom whackers’ and the children loved hearing the different noises when banged on different objects outside. The children also played with a new cause and effect toy this week, the click clack car track!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:13am
This week we have concentrated on settling back in to our school routines and rules. This has taken a few days but the children have remembered most of our objects of reference and have especially remembered where to sit when it is snack time!
We have started our topic on animals this week and the children have been playing with new animal jigsaws and their pieces as well as animal puppets! The children have enjoyed watching the adults wearing the puppets and it has made them giggle a lot- even giving the puppets some kisses! Some children have been been observed wearing the puppets themselves which is very clever!
The children have loved the outdoors this week, rain or shine! Particularly loved having a go on the whizz dizzy which we introduced last half term and balancing on the river stones!
We have listened a lot to number songs to 5, played with the number jigsaw and built using cubes. We have also done some painting!
If you have taken any photographs over half term then please send them over to us and we can add them into their social story, we would love to see what you all got up to 😊
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:13am
The children have had another lovely week. This week, we have been able to use our new outdoor area. All of the children have loved being outside playing with some of our new sensory toys. One of the favourites has been the 'wizzy dizzy'. This has been something that all of the children have had a little go on and we have heard lots of giggle from them when they have been playing on this.
We have continued using our creative area and some of the children have been doing some mark making using chalk. We have introduced some funnels and beakers into our water area and the children have been using these to pour over the boats.
To end our healthy me topic, we have explored the different textures of fruits. All of the children explored how the different fruit felt with their hands and some of them had a little taste of the more familiar fruit.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:12am
This week as part of our ‘Healthy Me’ topic, we have been looking at some body parts, particularly teeth and eyes and using the mirrors! We watched an episode on the screen to do with visiting the dentist. We paused the screen when you could very clearly see teeth on the screen and said “teeth” and we indicated our own teeth and then the children’s teeth. Ask the children, “where are your teeth?” See if they can indicate this! We have also been looking at eyes, their eyes and our eyes too!
The children have enjoyed some new vestibular movements this week! They have liked being wrapped in a blanket or being swung safely whilst in the blanket. It has been so lovely to see them laughing and enjoying the movement!
We have a brand new train track in our room, and the children have enjoyed putting the cars on the track! The children have also visited the creative area in the resource base with sand and lots of space to run in!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:11am
This week has been a special week- we’ve moved into our new classroom!
The girls have loved it and settled in so well. They have both been so vocal in their new classroom, which has been so lovely to hear! Adults have been taking part in intensive interactions with the children and have observed the children a lot. It has been really nice to see how much Rosie and Tilly are acknowledging each other and have been holding hands frequently and running around the room together! They have been giggling together too!
We have introduced some new toys into the classroom, including new gym apparatus for vestibular movements, lots of sensory toys, the dark den has been re-introduced and new cause and effect toys.
We have been encouraging the girls to sit down for both snack and lunch at a table on a chair, this has worked well so far. During snack time, we have been showing the children the different options that they have and they have been choosing what they want to eat first. This has been a success and made snack times calmer, and the core board has consistently been used at these times too.
Another new experience- Rosie and Tilly went on the front big playground with the rest of the children in KS1, both girls coped very well and were happily running alongside the other children!
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:10am
This week we have continued to work with the core board with the children. At snack times, this is becoming very successful when requesting more. We have tried to use the core board in ways with do not involve snack, this is a working progress.
Adults have sang various nursery rhymes with props to the children, and stories that involve puppets. We feel the children’s favourite nursery rhyme this week has been “5 little monkeys”.
As well as the core board we have been working on some other speech and language targets, we have been asking the children to make a choice. We are assessing whether the children are able to make a choice between something they like and something they dislike. Again, we have introduced this with food, and this has been successful so far. After half term, we will continue this using different objects.
We have had a lot of fun this week with vestibular movements from adults e.g. bouncing on knees, and alerting activities like tickling! We have heard lots of giggles from the children!
As it is Shove Tuesday next week, we have tasted some pancakes this week, surprisingly these were not a hit!
The children have loved looking through their social stories, these are books we make using all of the photos that you send to us. Could you please send some more photos over half term so we can add some more to their books.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:08am
This week has been another very busy week for the children. We have enjoyed using the musical instruments and all of the children have shown an interest in the different sounds that they have been able to make. We have continued to sing ‘5 speckled frogs’ and ‘5 little ducks’ each day and some of the children are showing a progression with their attention as they are looking for longer periods of time at the singer. The children have loved being outside this week in our outdoor area and have continued to explore their setting. We have been putting our wellies on to jump in puddles and squelch in the mud. One of our main focuses this week has been continuing to use the core boards when requesting more snack. Some children are consistently doing this independently now and are showing an awareness of the ‘stop/finished’ symbol which we use at the end of snack time. The children are doing really well in accepting that snack is finished when we point to this.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:08am
What a lovely week we have had this week. The children have enjoyed using the new slide that we have in our sensory room. They have been exploring different ways to use it, they have been sliding down it, climbing up it, sliding down on the tummies and of course, balancing things in it. During our morning session, we have started using hand puppets and singing some counting songs such as 5 little ducks and 5 speckled frogs. Some of the children have taken an interest in this activity, they have come over and at times even touched the glove. We have continued to explore looking at ourselves using various mirrors and the children are noticing different parts of their bodies, such as their eyes and their feet. During our afternoon session we explored our senses using sticky, edible mud. All of the children were curious by this and each of them all came over to look it and even had a little touch. This week, we have seen amazing progress during snack time as some of the children are now using the core board to request more snack. This is something that we are incredibly proud of the children for doing as it is new way that they are communicating their needs to us.
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 8:06am
This week has been an enjoyable week with the snow and ice (not so fun for the grown-ups!)
All of the children have enjoyed exploring the snow. We even made a few snowballs. We have been working on our independence skills by finding our wellies/coats for when it is time to go outside. This week the children have continued to show an awareness of our good morning and good afternoon song, there have been some occasions where they have come over to use whilst we have been singing which is wonderful progress. We have introduced some gym equipment into the sensory room and the children have been exploring this safely and even balancing other objects on top of it. As part of our understanding the world, we have offered the children the opportunity to explore their senses using safe sand and a sensory farmyard. We have noticed that some of the children have enjoyed tasting the safe sand, this is really easy to make... it's just crushed up Rice Krispies .
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 8:06am
Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 competed in the town sports and did our school proud. Their behaviour was exemplary and they competed hard. We had numerous children in the finals competing against the best athletes in the town, well done to you all.
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 12:21pm
This morning the children enjoyed a workshop led by Jim from CAFOD.
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 11:59am
Today as part of our music lesson we consolidated all we had learnt in Music this year.
We created posters of the notes we know, the symbols on the stave and other symbols we have come across.
"Now I know 5 notes on the stave, I can play them all on my recorder" - Joel
"Music is really nice, you really get to listen and see what it is about. We've learn recorder, b, c, d, g, and a" - Sophie
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:34am
After our success in market place last week, the children wanted to continue playing our 'Hook a Duck' game.
"Quick before the timer runs out" - Meredith
"Ahhh get the ducks" - Gracie
"Quick!!" - Tommy
EYFS - RE Collective Worship and Stay and Play
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:28am
This week we celebrated our Collective Worship on 'Friends' with our parents and carers. After the worship we asked parents to stay for a Stay and Play focused on RE.
The children and parents could choose from a range of activities.
These included:
Design a wooden cross
Sunset cross painting
Marble cross cards
Peace Doves
Thankful tags
Noah’s Ark small world
Build a church construction
Investigation tuff tray
Mindfulness colouring
Painted rocks
Friendship paperchains
Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 2:54pm
Finally, we have had some luck with the weather and we have been able to get all of the children out to enjoy an afternoon competing in their houses. All of the children really hard and displayed great sportsmanship qualities. Below is a list of the events the children took part in;
KS1 |
KS2 |
Balance ball |
Shot putt |
Javelin |
Javelin |
Target throw |
Slalom run |
Hurdles |
Hurdles |
50m sprint |
100m sprint |
Assault course |
Assault coursde |
Whole School - St Basil's Marketplace
Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 10:56am
We all had a chance on Friday afternoon to visit our annual St Basil's Marketplace
Throughout the week, we have been creating, budgeting and presenting our items in year groups to sell.
There are activities to try our luck at, such as sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy and coordinate treasure maps
We also have a chance to play some carnival games to win prizes, including hook a duck, tombola, penalty shoot outs and a coconut shy.
This year our MartketPlace has raised ...
Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 9:30am
This morning, we spent our Maths lesson budgeting our Marketplace products.
We calculated what we had spent,
"The seed cost us £3.27, and the gelatine cost us £3, so altogether we spent £6.27" - Teddy
Then we decided what we should charge for each product. We decided our bird feeders could be between 50p and £2, and the seed packets we made should be cheaper, 10p to £1.
Each group decided what we wanted to charge and worked out our profit.
"I think we should charge in the middle, so that it is not too expensive, but we make a good amount. So £1 for the feeders and 50p for the packets" - Henry M
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:57pm
This term we have opened our own St Basil’s Beach Shop.
We have been selling spades, towels, shells and ice cream.
The ice cream shop has been very popular and the children have been making ice cream in the kitchen.
“Mint ice cream please” – Kit
“Sprinkles on mine please” – Joel
“Ice cream” – Scarlett
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:51pm
Today we used balloons in PE.
We used different body parts to keep the balloons up.
"Let's keep them up!" - Tommy
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:47pm
This term we have opened our new outdoor kitchen. We have been making ice cream for the beach shop.
“Mix, mix, mix” – Elsie
“I need to make my chocolate ice cream” – Cooper
“I am going to sell all of the ice cream” - Tommy