Y1 - Collective Worship on Care for Our Common home
Class: Celebration of the Word Year: 2024 - 2025
Children from 1DD helped to plan and deliver Collective Worship today for Key Stage One.
They thought about which music to use, what to have on our focus table and the reading and prayers we would share.
We reminded everybody about the letter that Pope Francis wrote to ask for help to care for his creation. This letter is called Laudato Si.
At the end of our Worship, we asked the children and grown ups to think about how they can each help to care for the earth and each other.
"I like doing the sign of the cross." - Clay
"I love gathering and singing." - Harper
"We should have put the Pope's picture on the table too." Meredith
"I feel happy about it." - Zach
"It made me feel calm." - Polly