We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

St Basil's PTA

St Basil's PTA is run by parents and family members of the children within the school, with the cooperation of the teaching staff. They help to organise and run events throughout the year, such as: The Monster Ball, Christmas Raffle, Coffee mornings, and Bags 2 School (to mention just a few.) Any additional money raised from these events/fundraisers is used inside the school to benefit the children directly

Our main aims are as follows:-

    • We aim to encourage good relations between our school, parents and community
    • We organise profit and non-profit social events to foster school community spirit and for the enjoyment of all the children
  • We raise money to provide additional items of equipment to benefit every child in our school and for charitable organisations

Who are we?

St Basil's PTA is open to all and we are always thrilled to see new faces at any of our meetings. It is a fantastic way to meet other parents, share ideas and become more involved in your child’s school.

The elected committee members for 2022/23 are:

Nicola George and Neil Cowell

In general we have one full committee meeting each half term, usually held when the majority can attend, either after school or in the evening.

Sub-committees are formed for each event and additional meetings are arranged at the convenience of all involved.

The only requirement is enthusiasm and a little time, “many hands make light work” is a very fitting saying. Please get involved, you won’t regret it – you can contact the school office at any time to find out what is going on.

We hold various events throughout the year, always advertised in the school newsletter. The children, parents, grandparents and friends who attend have great fun and love them. We are always open to new ideas. These are some of the events for this school that we hold each year:-

    • MacMillan Coffee Morning
    • St Basil's Market Place
    • Halloween Disco
    • Christmas Coffee Morning plus raffles
    • Easter Coffee Morning plus raffles
    • Summer Ball
  • Fun Run

Fundraising Focus

Last year, with your help, we raised over £5,000 -a truly amazing sum that meant we were able to do more for the children. It is only with your generous donations and on-going support that we are able to donate so much to support the school.

In the past the money raised was used for:

  • £3500 Panto Trip/Entertainer
  • £1000 Playground equipment
  • £800 IPAD Airs for KS1

Now Here's The Thing...

Without your help we cannot exist, and each July some of our members leave us as their children go to high school – so please get involved, whether you help out at events, buy raffle tickets, make cakes, come to the ball etc. etc. – without your generosity (of spirit and wallet) we wouldn’t be able to keep going. Join us to build on the wonderful community we have at St Basil's Primary School, let’s all contribute to our school however we can.

We will post details of our next meeting in the newsletter, please come along if you can.

There are lots of ways in which you can help. Simply coming along to have fun at our events and supporting regular collections such as Bags2School helps to raise valuable funds.

Donate raffle/auction prizes

We never cease to be amazed by the generous raffle and auction prizes donated by local business, such as Superbowl, Nandos, Silverblades Ice Rink, Wilkinsons, B&M etc for our events throughout the year and these provide a valuable contribution to our fundraising activities. All donations and gifts are gratefully received.


Connect with us! We would love to hear from you

St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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