Our Gallery
Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 2:34pm
Year 3 delivered a collective worship about our Year of Prayer to LKS2 and talked about the importance of taking time out of our days to pray.
Y4 - Parent Collective Worship - Remembrance
Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 2:30pm
On Wednesday 13th November, Year 4 delivered a special collective worship about Remembrance to Year 3 and our adults.
We listened to the words of Matthew 5.1-12 and thought about how we could create a more peaceful world. We talked about the importance of Remembrance and how we remember others in the month of November. We sang songs including "We will remember them, Peace Perfect Peace and Imagine." The children created some art work to match a poem, created a role play to show Remembrance and choreographed a dance to the song "Imagine."
Parent feedback
"This collective worship was very moving"
"It was lovely to have time to stop and think"
"The children all read beautifully and sang very well"
"My favourite part was the songs."
Pupil voice:
"I enjoyed singing the songs."
"I liked taking part in the dance"
Y3 & Y4 Visit to Manchester Synagogue and Jewish Museum
Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 2:23pm
Year 3 and 4 had an excellent trip to Manchester Synagogue where they were able to explore the Synagogue and museum, look and hold Jewish artefacts and even make their own Challah bread. We had an excellent time and enjoyed developing our learning about Judaism.
Pupil voice:
"I really enjoyed making the Challah bread, I thought it was really fun but hard to get the plait right first time."
"I enjoyed looking in the museum and drawing the different objects."
"My favourite part was all of it!"
Date: 13th Nov 2024 @ 2:58pm
Year 1 have made a human pictogram to show how they travel to school.
'Most people come to school in the car.' Meredith
We then made a pictogram on 2Count to show our favourite fruits.
'Most people like strawberries.' Polly
'Only 1 person picked kiwi and it was me!' Ezra
'The least favourite fruit was pear.' Delilah
EYFS - Bonfire Night and Diawli
Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 4:18pm
What a busy week we have had!
Our new text is called 'Festivals'. It has some beautiful illustrations and we have loved learning about festivals from around the world. We now have a role play party shop, thank you for all your donations!
One of the festivals we have been learning about is Diwali, the festival of light. We have enjoyed learning about the story and making our own diya lamps. We listened to some Diwali dance music too!
We have also been looking at Bonfire Night and fire safety. The children have made chalk firework pictures and talked about their experiences with Bonfire Night.
In RE we have learnt about the Annunication story and how Mary was chosen by God. The children have loved retelling the story with the knitted nativity set.
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 9
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 3:41pm
Welcome back to Autumn 2!
This week we have been concentrating on settling back into school life! The children have coped very well and have settled back into our timetable very well! I think they are tired today!
The children have enjoyed playing with the pumpkin from last half term. They have remembered us decorating it and some children have done this independently this week!
The children have enjoyed playing with the play doh! Using the tools and rolling it into sausages! Amazing fine motor skills!
The children have loved ordering the numbers, counting and playing with the cubes! They have also enjoyed sharing the pram and the baby dolls.
In your child’s bag, you will find the overview for Autumn 2 and we will send this electronically on another post 😊
Have a lovely weekend!
The SEND Team
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 8:21am
Year 3 had their first hockey lesson today and learned how to grip the stick correctly. The lesson focussed on safety when using the sticks, controlling the ball and they even had the chance to practice shooting at a target.
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 1:59pm
Today Y5CG explored the effects of gravity on objects. In groups they measured the mass (g) of an object on the scales and compared them to measurement of weight (N) from the Newton scales that represent the strength of the gravitational pull.
Y1 RE Creation themed learning activities
Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 4:08pm
Throughout the first half term of Year 1, the children have loved different activities which linked to our R.E. branch about Creation.
In our enhanced provision area, they have had the opportunity to choose some fun and practical tasks to reinforce the teaching inputs in class.
We have made 'Our Father' prayer chains which the children can't wait to take home once they are down from our display!
In another activity, we searched for and cut out magazine pictures which show things which God has created. These were then stuck onto a large Earth outline.
Many children have enjoyed using playdough to complete missing parts of images from the Creation story and using the words from the Bible story as they did so.
One of the most popular tasks was learning how to care more for our 'common home' by recycling.
The children cut out and sorted items into the correct recycling bins, along with promises that they want to help more with this in real life too!
We are really proud of all of their hard work this half term and the great progress in their understanding of their crucial role in our world
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 8
Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:13pm
Final week of half term this week! I cannot believe the children have been at St Basil's for a whole half term!
It has been an incredible 8 weeks with your children, we have really got to know them really well and they have settled into school life amazingly which we are incredibly proud of!
This week we have finished our new beginnings topic by exploring fruit! The children explored apples, oranges, lemons, melon and pineapple! The children especially enjoyed feeling the textures of the pineapple, they were very intrigued by the spikes and the leaves! 🍍
The children have enjoyed exploring the foam mirrors, pulling faces at themselves and even trying on new items of clothing in front of them! The children have explored the trolley and babies more this week and the children have enjoyed picking up the babies, carrying them around and playing with their soft eyelashes.
We have decorated our every own Rainbow Unit pumpkin! 🎃
We hope you have a lovely half term off- please don't forget to send us some photographs via Class Dojo of the children with their familiar people. Don't forget to tell us who they are!
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and allowing us the joy of looking after your children!
The SEND Team
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 7
Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:11pm
We have had a busy week in the Rainbow unit this week.
We have introduced the children to lots of new sensory toys throughout the week.
These have included some light spinners, some sensory rollers, some smudge tiles and some sensory gel filled numbers. All of the children have enjoyed exploring these and have even tried using the rollers on the adults and each other.
All of the children have enjoyed taking part in water play in our outside area. We used beakers and funnels to pour the water onto the boats. The adults outside repeated the words 'pour' and 'splash!
In the blue class, the children have been playing with a doll and a shopping trolley, kindly brought in by Mrs Coleman. All of the children have been putting items from around the classroom into the trolley and pushing it around. We have also been using a shape sorter and experimenting which shapes fit in the holes.
In the yellow class, we have been taking part in some parallel play which has been lovely to see. All of the children had their own vehicle and were all pushing it around the track and walking around the work unit at the same time. We also had a special visit from Mrs Sheppard were some of the children enjoyed listening to a story.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week at parents evening.
The SEND team.
Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 6
Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:08pm
This week we have had a busy week; the children have enjoyed being outside on the playground playing with the Pre-School and Reception children! The children have showed that they have enjoyed this a lot by the fact they didn’t want to come back inside!
The children have enjoyed playing with the numicon pieces, making patterns with them and putting them in order. They have also enjoyed solving puzzles such as jigsaws and shape sorting. The children have also enjoyed more cause and effect toys this week, showing anticipation when playing with them.
We hope you have a lovely weekend, and we are looking forward to seeing you all next week for parents evening.
The SEND Team
Whole School - Road Safety Awareness
Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 8:21am
This week we met as a school to talk about Road Safety Week. This year it will take place from the 17th to the 23rd of November.
We thought about who our road safety heroes were. We decided they were people who would:
- Work really hard to overcome difficulty
- Do something really well
- Be really brave
We learnt that everyone who helps make journeys safer and healthier or helps care for someone after a crash is a road safety hero.
We talked about the different road safety heroes:
- School crossing patrols
- Roads policing officers
- Road designers and highway engineers
- Fire and rescue services
- Ambulance services
- Medical staff in hospitals
The Y5 road safety officers will be holding a poster competition in November to make people aware of road safety dangers and how to cross safely.
EYFS and Y6 - Meeting our Prayer Partners
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 4:07pm
Reception were very excited to meet their Year 6 Prayer Partners! The children in Year 6 spent some time down in EYFS getting to know their prayer partners and exploring the EYFS area.
Our Prayer Partners help us to recognise and apreciate the religious and spiritual dimentions of life.
Together, we will love, learn and succeed following Jesus.
''Lukie is my Prayer Partner and also my cousin!'' - Tommy
''My Prayer Partner will help me in Reception.'' - Isla
EYFS &Y6 - Parent Collective Worship - Prayer Partners
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 3:56pm
Welcome Collective Worship - St Basil’s Foundation Stage with Year 6 prayer partners.
The children in Year 6 and Reception gathered together to celebrate the children in Reception now being apart of the St Basil's family. Each child in Reception received a prayer book to take home.
''Mrs Sheppard gave me a very special prayer book!'' - Ivy
''Our Prayer Partners are so special to us, they will help us at St Basil's.'' - Troy
Y1 Harvest Collective Worship for KS1
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 12:53pm
KS1 enjoyed a special worship led by a group of children from Year 1 on the theme of Harvest.
We heard an amazing story from the Bible in which Jesus and his disciples were able to feed 5000 people using only five loaves and two fish.
The children shared the CAFOD characters of Shrist the Sun bear and DJ the dolphin to show how we can also help to feed hungry people here in Widnes.
We asked if anybody was able to bring in boxes of cereal for the Foodbank. Doing this shows we are living in solidarity, just like Shristi the bear.
We are also helping to make sure that everyone has their fair share, which DJ says is called Distributive Justice.
Here is what some children thought and said after our Worship:
'I liked praying' - Ella
'I'm bringing a cereal box in so I can help' - Kit
'I loved that story about the food' - Roman
'It made me want to pray' - Delilah
Whole School: Blessing of Mary in memory of Christine Wilson
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 12:28pm
On Wednesday 16th October we gathered as a school family to remember Christine Wilson with Father Peter Ross.
Christine was a much loved and valued member of St Basil's and a former Chair of Governors.
We also welcomed Jim Wilson and members of their family, as well as some close friends.
Father Peter led us in prayer and dedicated our new statue of Mary to the memory of Christine, significant particularly during this special month of October.
The children shared in the our liturgy with readings and prayers, as well as with their absolutely beautiful singing.
The occasion was a heartfelt tribute which warmed all of our hearts and provided a lasting memory to treasure.
Y5 Child led Collective Worship
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:32am
Some of the pupils from Y5CG planned a wonderful collective worship on Our Lady of They Rosary. They included three different hymns and scripture from the Bible.
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:26am
Year 5 attended Mass at the church and were exemplary in representing our school within the local parish community. It was the perfect way to start the week.
Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:21am
Y5CG loved their first lesson together as a class with their brass instruments. It was only planned that they would attempt to learn one song but they were that impressive that they started to learn three on their first lesson.
Whole school - Harvest Cereal Challenge for Widnes Foodbank
Date: 19th Oct 2024 @ 2:44pm
On Friday the 18th of October, we had a great morning completing our Cereal rally challenge.
After collecting boxes of cereal over the last month, each child came with their class to place a box in line ready for 'the big push!'
We were joined by Vicky from the Foodbank and Pip Turner from Asda who organised a donation on their behalf.
We also received a donation from Tesco in Widnes too, which helped boost our boxes to around 230 in total.
The children joined in with a countdown and watching the boxes being knocked over, followed by big cheers at the end!
Thank you to everybody who donated and to all of our children for particpating and showing their solidarity with others.
Comments from the children across school included:
"It was great fun and we got to help people too!"
"I hope people in Widnes won't be hungry now."
"The Foodbank is a brilliant thing."
"I can't wait to do more to help other people."
"I hope the people who get our cereal love eating it."
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:29am
Year 3 have been really excited to take part in outdoor adventurous activities in PE for the first time. They have worked creatively, critically and collaboratively in a caring way during orienteering and den building.
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:24am
Year 3 have really enjoyed learning the rules of table tennis and practicing their forehand and backhand shots.
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:22am
This years play leaders have been chosen and they have spent the afternoon learning all about their new roles and responsibilities. They have worked collaboratively and creatively to come up with new games and ways to help KS1 develop during their lunchtimes.
Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 8:07am
Every week, the children in Pre School get to take home one of our school ‘Reading for Pleasure’ books. The children love swapping their books on a Wednesday and talk about why they enjoyed reading their chosen book.
Florence – My book was about bunnies; it had flaps to open!
Junior – My book was about feelings, happy and sad. I want to take the monsters book next.
Aoife – This one was about we’re going on a bear hunt shapes.
Jennifer – Mine was about crazy cows!
Caben – I had the gingerbread man but next I would like to take the town book
Sophia – I want to take the one Florence had about bunnies.