We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Rainbow Unit- Autumn Term Week 13

Class: Rainbow Unit Year: 2024 - 2025

It’s has been a lovely week for the Rainbow Unit this week as we have had our first school trip. We are so proud of all the children, they coped well with the coach journey and enjoyed exploring all the different areas of the farm. Whilst we were there, some of the children enjoyed watching a magic show with the year 6 play leaders. They all enjoyed playing in the park at the end of the day and some were that exhausted from a day of fun that they fell asleep on the journey home.
This week we have also been continuing with our bucket therapy lessons. It has been lovely to see most of the children engaged during this session and showing their anticipation skills as we have been waiting to see what is next to come out of the bucket! We are also consistently using a communication board during this time when we are using the bubbles.
We will share the photos from our trip to the farm soon, you will be invited into school to see them along with photos of Christmas activities 😊
If your child has come home with any of our school spare uniform over the last few weeks, please could you send it back in to school.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The SEND team

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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