We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Religious Education: Gallery

Extra Curricular - Mini Vinnies Sponsored Danceathon

Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 3:56pm

Mini Vinnies held a sponsored Danceathon this week to raise some money for our next event.

With the funds we raise we are aiming to buy some prizes that we can take to our local residential home and play bingo with the residents.

Jubilee Year launch - Pilgrims of Hope - January 24th 2025

Date: 26th Jan 2025 @ 11:42am

Our school community came together for an amazing launch for the very special Jubilee Year.

 A Jubilee is celebrated within the Catholic church every 25 years. This year the theme will be 'Pilgrims of Hope'.

We are called together to experience joy and strength as we embarkon a journey to be 'agents of change,' working together for justice, love and peace, locally and globally.

After learning about the importance and theme of the Jubilee, the children across school have Celebrated the Word and written their own pledges.

We gathered together to reflect and share pledges before displaying them all around the hall.

We are excited for more events to come during the Jubilee Year and are filled with hope for the difference we can make in fulfilling our pledges!

Y3 - RE - The Miracle of the Centurion's servant artwork

Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 7:38am

Today in Year 3 we interpreted different artwork based on the Centurion's servant. We spoke about how artists might show the same piece of scripture in different ways, we noticed what were the key parts of the scripture that we could notice and then we researched some other artistic versions of the story in pairs to share with the class.

"In my artwork Jesus is in colours that are lots paler than the centurion, I think that this shows he is kind" - Alice

"The centurion is begging on his knees, he is asking Jesus for help" - Patrick

"I found a version of the scripture that was a stained glass window, it showed Jesus and the centurion was kneeling down" - Zoe 

Whole School - Justice Days - 15th and 16th January 2025

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 3:03pm

The children have really enjoyed the past two 'Justice days'. They have focused on this particular house value and have taken part in a wide range of activities centred around the the theme of justice. Below is list of activities they have taken part in;

What is Justice?- First the children watched videos and learned about what Justice means. They then identified as a group what justice looks like in school, at home, in our communities and in the wider world.

St Oscar Romero- The children increased their knowledge about St Oscar Romero through different resources and created a fact file on his life focussing on his fight for justice. In KS1 the children found out about the significance of the Romero cross and the local people who make them in El Salvador.

St Mother Teresa- The children loved learning about St Mother Teresa and her selfless life and fight for justice. They took part in various debates and activities focussing on the timeline of her life.

DJ the Dolphin-  The children had a little refresher on what the CAFOD character DJ the Dolphin represents within Catholic social teaching.

Justice circle- The children enjoyed circle time focussed on the theme of Justice.

Fairtrade Banana game- KS2 children learned all about fairtrade when selling bananas and took part in some intense discussions regarding pay for each group or person in the chain. 

One for you, three for me - KS1 children took part in a craft activity to create their own ideal meal on a plate. They were then given a 'meal ticket' and many were shocked to discover that only a third of the class received would receive their own meal plate, the remaining children were entitled to a plate of rice. We talked about how this did not seem fair or 'just' but was something that is real for many people in our world.

P4C- The children absolutely loved taking part in the "Is it fair?" game. They also discussed and debated about Blind Justice. 

Wordle- The children created their own wordles based around the word 'Justice'.

Music- The children listened to songs relating to justice and identified the meanings behind them. They also added in some of their own verses as well as actions.

Prayer spaces - The children participated enthusiastically in a range of reflective activities linked to our Justice theme which included:                  Scripture art based on Micah 6: 6-8 to 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly'.                                                                                              Creating a justice cross using relevant words, images and symbols that they had found out about.                                                                            'International injustice' station at which the children located places on a world map where the people living there may need our prayers for justice. We placed candles over these places and prayed together.

Prayer writing - discussing ideas together and writing our own prayers for justice.

Art - children across the school worked with Miss Crowley on a special Justice themed  art project which will soon be displayed in school.





Y6 Visit - Lowe House Retreat Day

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 2:02pm

Year 6 visited Lowe House for a retreat day around the theme of 'caring for others'. 

We had a fantastic day and really enjoyed all of the activities. 

During the day, we learnt how important it is to look after and care for others as well as our planet. We also had the chance to look around the church and ask questions about anything we wanted to find out about.  

At the end of the day, we looked at the story from the Bible when Jesus washed Simon Peter's feet. We discussed the meaning of this scripture and then had the opportunity to wash our hands whilst our friends dried them for us. 


Year 1 R.E. Advent and Christmas learning activities

Date: 2nd Jan 2025 @ 10:53pm

During November and December Year 1 have enjoyed learning activities linked to our R.E. branch about ‘Prophecy and Promise.’

In our enhanced provision area, the children had the opportunity to choose some fun and practical tasks to reinforce our teaching inputs in class. 

We have loved art work linked to the Bible story of the Annunciation when Angel Gabriel visited Mary with a special message.

We used paintings of this event, by different artists, to inspire us! The light surrounding the Angel was a special feature we noticed and recreated.

Other popular activities have been….

Playdough modelling of scenes and characters from the Nativity.

Sequencing of images to create our own mini Nativity books.

Drama and role play using our stick puppets.

Making our own Christmas card with the scene in the stable – complete with an opening door!

Card sorting activity – looking at images on a range of cards and sorting them into groups of those that retell the Nativity story and those which show other scenes of modern Christmas images.

Painting baby Jesus pebbles

We hope you enjoyed the special things that we made for you and brought home to share!

Y6 Visit - Advent Service at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 4:25pm

Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited to attend the  Advent Service at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. 

It was a fantastic afternoon and was lots of fun. The advent service was told through song and we even got to take gifts for those less fortunate than ourselves. The gifts were taken up during the service to be distributed by Nugent Care. 

Y3 & Y4 - Christmas Nativity - I'm Gonna Shine

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:30pm

Y1 & Y2 - Christmas Nativity - The Christmas Recipe

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:28pm

We loved sharing the story of the Nativity in a very different way this year.

We all agree that the vital ingredient in our Christmjas Recipe is baby Jesus!

EYFS - Christmas Nativity

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:28pm

Y5 Parent Celebration of the Word - The Jesse Tree

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 9:21am

Year 5 held a beautiful Celebration of the Word in church for family members and others in our local community. The focus was the story of the Jesse Tree.

Whole School - Baptism Friday 22nd November 2024

Date: 1st Dec 2024 @ 12:46pm

The families of Tommy, Billy, Teddy, Ezra and Zach joined the whole school as we came together for an amazing celebration in the school hall.

Father Mark Moran welcomed brothers Tommy, Billy and Teddy with a special Catholic blessing.

Ezra and Zach were then baptised as we all watched on, what an amazing experience to be part of!

Congratulations to all of the boys and their families - we hope you enjoyed your special celebration, including the cake afterwards!

Thank you for sharing such a proud and important day with your St Basil's family.

Y3 & Y4 Visit to Manchester Synagogue and Jewish Museum

Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 2:23pm

Year 3 and 4 had an excellent trip to Manchester Synagogue where they were able to explore the Synagogue and museum, look and hold Jewish artefacts and even make their own Challah bread. We had an excellent time and enjoyed developing our learning about Judaism. 

Pupil voice:

"I really enjoyed making the Challah bread, I thought it was really fun but hard to get the plait right first time."

"I enjoyed looking in the museum and drawing the different objects."

"My favourite part was all of it!"


Y1 RE Creation themed learning activities

Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 4:08pm

Throughout the first half term of Year 1, the children have loved different activities which linked to our R.E. branch about Creation.

In our enhanced provision area, they have had the opportunity to choose some fun and practical tasks to reinforce the teaching inputs in class. 

We have made 'Our Father' prayer chains which the children can't wait to take home once they are down from our display!

In another activity, we searched for and cut out magazine pictures which show things which God has created. These were then stuck onto a large Earth outline.

Many children have enjoyed using playdough to complete missing parts of images from the Creation story and using the words from the Bible story as they did so.

One of the most popular tasks was learning how to care more for our 'common home' by recycling.

The children cut out and sorted items into the correct recycling bins, along with promises that they want to help more with this in real life too! 

We are really proud of all of their hard work this half term and the great progress in their understanding of their crucial role in our world


Whole School: Blessing of Mary in memory of Christine Wilson

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 12:28pm

On Wednesday 16th October we gathered as a school family to remember Christine Wilson with Father Peter Ross.

Christine was a much loved and valued member of St Basil's and a former Chair of Governors.

We also welcomed Jim Wilson and members of their family, as well as some close friends.

Father Peter led us in prayer and dedicated our new statue of Mary to the memory of Christine, significant particularly during this special month of October.

The children shared in the our liturgy with readings and prayers, as well as with their absolutely beautiful singing.

The occasion was a heartfelt tribute which warmed all of our hearts and provided a lasting memory to treasure.



Y5 Mass

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:26am

Year 5 attended Mass at the church and were exemplary in representing our school within the local parish community. It was the perfect way to start the week. 

Whole school - Harvest Cereal Challenge for Widnes Foodbank

Date: 19th Oct 2024 @ 2:44pm

On Friday the 18th of October, we had a great morning completing our Cereal rally challenge.

After collecting boxes of cereal over the last month, each child came with their class to place a box in line ready for 'the big push!' 

We were joined by Vicky from the Foodbank and Pip Turner from Asda who organised a donation on their behalf.

We also received a donation from Tesco in Widnes too, which helped boost our boxes to around 230 in total.

The children joined in with a countdown and watching the boxes being knocked over, followed by big cheers at the end!

Thank you to everybody who donated and to all of our children for particpating and showing their solidarity with others.

Comments from the children across school included:

"It was great fun and we got to help people too!"

"I hope people in Widnes won't be hungry now."

"The Foodbank is a brilliant thing."

"I can't wait to do more to help other people."

"I hope the people who get our cereal love eating it."

KS2 - CAFOD Family Fast Lunch

Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 12:03pm

As part of CAFOD Family Fast Day, pupils in KS2 were given the opportunity to join our CAFOD Simple Lunch. 

Instead of their usual school dinner, these KS2 pupils chose to have a simple lunch of soup, bread and fruit, to show Solidarity and respect Human Dignity two of our Catholic Social Teaching principles. This showed how we can think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves and only have our fair share.

Extra Curricular - CAFOD Club

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 8:18am

Our KS2 CAFOD club have focused on Solidarity this first few weeks of the half term. 

We researched CAFOD Family Fast Day and created some posters to promote our Simple Lunch in school.

We have also watched CAFOD's national assembly and thought of more ways we can live in solidarity with others. 

"I really enjoy joining with others in CAFOD club and thinking of ways to help people" - Maro

"It is my first time in CAFOD club and I am really enjoying it" - James

Extra Curricular - Mini Vinnies

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:13pm

Our Mini Vinnies club have just wrote speeches and elected our President, Vice President, Secretary & Communications Officer

Whole School - Sign Language Awareness Week

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:03pm

We celebrated Sign Language Awareness week by inviting Father Mark into school to teach us some sign language.

We spoke about why Sign Language is important so that everyone is treated fairly and justly, linking to our Year of Justice and the Catholic Social Teaching principle of Human Dignity. 

Father Mark wrote a prayer with our help that we will use throughout our Year of Justice and we learnt the signs for fair, hunger, thirst and rights.

We also then followed this up by learning how to spell our own names in British Sign Language, taking home a sheet to share this with our families. 

"My name was really hard to sign because I have a double letter" - William

"I really enjoyed working with Father Mark, I'm excited to hear the final prayer" - Penelope

Y3 & Y4 - Visit to Martin Mere Wetland

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 7:47am

On Thursday 19th Year 3 and Year 4 went on our first educational visit to Martin Mere Wetland.

There we found Ava, an osprey who had magically turned half human. She gave us challenges to connect with nature and learn about the wild around us. 

She also set us a challenge, to complete 10 more nature activities at home to become a 'Guardian of the Wild'.

When we returned to school, we discussed how this linked to our 'Creation & Covenant' work in RE, and that we are all stewards of God's world. That we must appreciate it, care for it and nurture it. 

So far, 3 of us have become Guardians, with many more on our way to achieve our badges. 

"I was surprised when we saw Ava, she was from our story at school" - Connie

"I really liked the activity when we made friends with a tree, we had to close our eyes and use our other senses to get to know the tree" - Ethan

"My favourite birds that I saw were the flamingos, they were all standing on one leg" - Jack

Whole School - Visit from Imran Kotwal for Islam week

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:40pm

On Friday 2oth September, Imran Kotwal visited school to help us with our learning about the religion of Islam.

As a Muslim, Imran shared some important items with us and talked about how they are used in daily life, particularly with prayer. 

We saw prayer mats and photographs of different mosques, as well as sweet smelling oil which can be used as part of the cleaning ritual before prayer.

Imran also told us about the prophet Muhammad, a key person for Muslims.

This is what some of the children felt about the visit in Year 1 and 2.

"It was really good to know about it all."

"I liked finding out new stuff."

"The best bit was watching how Imran prayed."

"I know that praying is very important to lots of people."

"Religions are sometimes not all the same."

"Everyone is special themselves."

Whole School Assembly - Widnes Foodbank Cereal Challenge

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:16pm

This week we launched our Harvest campaign to support the Foodbank here in Widnes.

We held a special assembly and remembered what we have already managed to achieve as a school in helping those in need.

Photos of last year's visit to the Foodbank by the RE Ambassadors were a great reminder, as well as the visit from Margaret and Eileen, two of their volunteers.

To continue our promise to try and 'live in solidarity' with others, we will be collecting donations of cereal over the next month.

On Friday 18th October, we will hold our 'Cereal domino rally' with all of the boxes that are donated. 

Y3 - P4C - Who is in charge of the world?

Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 2:30pm

As our first session of RE this week, we discussed the P4C question 

Who is in charge of the world?

Lots of us said 'God' to begin with, but as we built on each other's answers we critiqued what 'in charge' means

Alice thought this mean you are responsible and have to look after something

Emily used the example that if you buy something then you are in charge of it

James built on this by saying, if you invite someone to your house then your are in charge

When we returned to our question, our thoughts had changed, now some of us thought that everyone is in charge of the world, because it is our responsibility to protect it. 

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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