KS1 Child led Collective Worship - Lent (6th March 2025)
Lesson: Religious education
Class: Year 1 Year: 2024 - 2025
The children in Year One helped to plan a celebration of the Word for Reception and Year two on the theme of Lent.
After our Ash Wednesday service yesterday everybody knows how important this special season is for Christians.
We chose the scripture about Jesus in the desert to remind us about why there are 40 days of Lent.
It was good to remind the other children about what they can do themselves during Lent. We have all been learning about this in RE too.
Our mission at the end of our celebration is to help, along with the rest of the school, to really make a difference to the lives of others this Lent.
Here are some of our thoughts after the celebration:
"It made me want to help people." - Harper
"I felt quiet in worship." - Matthew
"We know our Gather responses much better now!" - Jonas
"Today it made me feel proud of being a Christian." - Kit
"I will do extra prayers in Lent" - Zach
"We will do more good things and extra thinking." - Delilah
"We could sing 'Come and join the circle' next time." - Polly