We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Whole School - Justice Days - 15th and 16th January 2025

Lesson: Religious education

Class: EYFS (F2) Reception Year: 2024 - 2025

The children have really enjoyed the past two 'Justice days'. They have focused on this particular house value and have taken part in a wide range of activities centred around the the theme of justice. Below is list of activities they have taken part in;

What is Justice?- First the children watched videos and learned about what Justice means. They then identified as a group what justice looks like in school, at home, in our communities and in the wider world.

St Oscar Romero- The children increased their knowledge about St Oscar Romero through different resources and created a fact file on his life focussing on his fight for justice. In KS1 the children found out about the significance of the Romero cross and the local people who make them in El Salvador.

St Mother Teresa- The children loved learning about St Mother Teresa and her selfless life and fight for justice. They took part in various debates and activities focussing on the timeline of her life.

DJ the Dolphin-  The children had a little refresher on what the CAFOD character DJ the Dolphin represents within Catholic social teaching.

Justice circle- The children enjoyed circle time focussed on the theme of Justice.

Fairtrade Banana game- KS2 children learned all about fairtrade when selling bananas and took part in some intense discussions regarding pay for each group or person in the chain. 

One for you, three for me - KS1 children took part in a craft activity to create their own ideal meal on a plate. They were then given a 'meal ticket' and many were shocked to discover that only a third of the class received would receive their own meal plate, the remaining children were entitled to a plate of rice. We talked about how this did not seem fair or 'just' but was something that is real for many people in our world.

P4C- The children absolutely loved taking part in the "Is it fair?" game. They also discussed and debated about Blind Justice. 

Wordle- The children created their own wordles based around the word 'Justice'.

Music- The children listened to songs relating to justice and identified the meanings behind them. They also added in some of their own verses as well as actions.

Prayer spaces - The children participated enthusiastically in a range of reflective activities linked to our Justice theme which included:                  Scripture art based on Micah 6: 6-8 to 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly'.                                                                                              Creating a justice cross using relevant words, images and symbols that they had found out about.                                                                            'International injustice' station at which the children located places on a world map where the people living there may need our prayers for justice. We placed candles over these places and prayed together.

Prayer writing - discussing ideas together and writing our own prayers for justice.

Art - children across the school worked with Miss Crowley on a special Justice themed  art project which will soon be displayed in school.





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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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