We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

EYFS (F2) Reception: Gallery

EYFS - Hook a Duck

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:34am

After our success in market place last week, the children wanted to continue playing our 'Hook a Duck' game. 



"Quick before the timer runs out" - Meredith 


"Ahhh get the ducks" - Gracie 



"Quick!!" - Tommy 

EYFS - RE Collective Worship and Stay and Play

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:28am

This week we celebrated our Collective Worship on 'Friends' with our parents and carers. After the worship we asked parents to stay for a Stay and Play focused on RE. 

The children and parents could choose from a range of activities.


These included:

Design a wooden cross

Sunset cross painting

Marble cross cards

Peace Doves

Thankful tags

Noah’s Ark small world

Build a church construction

Investigation tuff tray

Mindfulness colouring

Painted rocks

Friendship paperchains

Whole School - Sports day

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 2:54pm

Finally, we have had some luck with the weather and we have been able to get all of the children out to enjoy an afternoon competing in their houses. All of the children really hard and displayed great sportsmanship qualities. Below is a list of the events the children took part in;




Balance ball

Shot putt





Target throw

Slalom run





50m sprint

100m sprint


Assault course

Assault coursde













Whole School - St Basil's Marketplace

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 10:56am

We all had a chance on Friday afternoon to visit our annual St Basil's Marketplace

Throughout the week, we have been creating, budgeting and presenting our items in year groups to sell.

There are activities to try our luck at, such as sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy and coordinate treasure maps

We also have a chance to play some carnival games to win prizes, including hook a duck, tombola, penalty shoot outs and a coconut shy.

This year our MartketPlace has raised ... 

EYFS - Beach Shop

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:57pm

This term we have opened our own St Basil’s Beach Shop.


We have been selling spades, towels, shells and ice cream.


The ice cream shop has been very popular and the children have been making ice cream in the kitchen.


“Mint ice cream please” – Kit


“Sprinkles on mine please” – Joel


“Ice cream” – Scarlett

EYFS - Balloons in PE

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:51pm

Today we used balloons in PE.


We used different body parts to keep the balloons up. 


"Let's keep them up!" - Tommy 


EYFS - Outside Kitchen

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:47pm

This term we have opened our new outdoor kitchen. We have been making ice cream for the beach shop.


“Mix, mix, mix” – Elsie


“I need to make my chocolate ice cream” – Cooper


“I am going to sell all of the ice cream” - Tommy

EYFS - Car Wash

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:45pm

At the Car Wash! This term we have opened our very own Car Wash.


We have been using the sponges to clean the dirty wheels


“Get your car washed!” – Rosie


“Let’s clean the wheels” – Ruby


“Oh it is so dirty!” – Meredith

EYFS - People Who Help Us Bikes

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:40pm

How lucky are we! This week we have had all new bikes delivered. We now have a police car, ambulance and fire engine.  


The children have loved pedalling around the track and dressing up.


“Watch out there is a fire!” – Harry


“We’ve been called to a robbery!” – Grace


“The doctor is on his way!” – Ezra

EYFS - Den Building

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:36pm

What lovely weather we have had!    This week we have loved being outside in the sunshine.


We have worked together to make dens and hammocks to relax in.


We talked about sun safety as a class and how we keep our bodies healthy.


“I love the swing” – Harry


“I’m in the den” – Elliott


“It’s so nice outside” – Sophia


Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:33pm

We have worked so hard in PE today! Mr Ward split us into groups to collect coloured cones. We focused on moving in lots of different ways.


“I walked backwards” – Roman


“I walked stretching up tall” – Joel   

EYFS - Teen Numbers

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:29pm

We have been learning all about teen numbers. We have met the numberblocks for each number too.

We used tens frames to make the numbers.


We also made the numbers with cubes, part whole models and found them on a number line.  

EYFS - Dental Visit

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:26pm

Today we had a visit from the dental nurses.


They told us all about how to care for our teeth and how to clean them. We talked about how important it is to keep ourselves healthy. 


“We used the toothbrushes” – Ella


“We got new toothbrushes to take home” – Hallie  


“We had to clean” – Zach

EYFS - Maths Potions

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:24pm

Today EYFS have been learning all about capacity.


They found a magic spell book with lots of potion recipes inside.


The children carefully read the instructions and measured the amounts.  


“I had to pour in the paint” – Ezra


“Mine was full” – Rosie


“The jug was half full” – Pixie


“It was bubbling” – Emily

EYFS - Gross Motor Skills

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:20pm

EYFS have had a great time outside today.


They have used the large rolling dice and the balls outside.

EYFS - Bridges

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:19pm

Today the children used the ramps and crates to make their very own bridge routes.


The children worked collaboratively to create the route but it took lots of trial and error to get the bridges to balance.  


They took it in turns to carefully move around the structure. They had to be careful not to fall in the water!


“I’m on my tip toes!” – Alba


“It took us a long time” – Ruby


“Watch me!” - Theo

EYFS - Water Play

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:15pm

Wow what a fantastic time we have had outside today!


The children used the funnels and measuring jugs to talk about which were full, empty and half full.


They used the guttering to make a route for the water. The children used problem solving skills to work out how to get it from one side to the other.


“Watch out!” – Pixie


“The water is so fast” – Matthew

EYFS - Ordering Numbers

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:12pm

Oh dear!  Miss Roberts dropped the new beans bags and they were all in the wrong order.


The children worked carefully to sort them into the correct order. Well done!


"We had to check they were in the right order" - Jonas 


"I counted to check again" - Eleanor 

EYFS - Fine Motor

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:10pm

Today we have been working hard to strengthen our finger muscles. We have been using the tweezers to pick up the rubbish from the beach.


“We had to pinch so hard” – Kasper


“The rubbish was everywhere!” – Oliver

EYFS - Litter Picking

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:08pm

Oh no!  When we went outside today we were shocked to find litter everywhere!


It was just like in our English text, Clem and Crab.


We worked hard to find tidy up the litter because we didn’t want any animals to get hurt.


“We need to look after God’s world” – Delilah


“The poor baby animals could get stuck” – Dexter


“Need to clean up” – Sophia


“It was blowing everywhere!” – Cooper

EYFS - Recycling Centre

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 7:04pm

Today when we came in the classroom we found a lot of rubbish! We used the recycling bins to sort the rubbish.


We realised the rubbish was made of lots of different materials. We found plastic, cardboard and tins.


We made posters to tell everyone to recycle.


“Look after the animals” – Harry


“Pick it up” – Elsie


“It was everywhere!” Rylee

EYFS - Boom Whackers

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 3:57pm

Today we have taken the Boom Whackers outside. 


We experimented listening to the different sounds.


We then followed a music video to copy a song. 


"It's so fun!" - Eleanor 


"It makes a different sound" - Rosie 

EYFS - Music Afternoon!

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 2:53pm

This afternoon the children have been exploring with the musical instruments. 


They have been making their own songs and copying patterns. 


"We have drums and tambourine" - Clay 


"I use the maracas" - Matthew 

EYFS - Home Corner

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 2:49pm

This week we have loved exploring in the Home Corner. 


We have been making cups of tea and preparing the dinner!


The children have been taking orders for meals and washing the dishes. 


"Cereal for me please" - Rosie 


"I'm making soup" - Kit 


"This floor is filthy" - Meredith 



EYFS - Patterns

Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm

This week we have been looking at repeating patterns in Maths. 


We used the counting bears to match the patterns.


We then went on a walk to notice patterns in the environment.  

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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