We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

EYFS (F2) Reception: Gallery

EYFS - St George's Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:15pm

This week we have been learning about a very special person, Saint George.

We found out that he lived a very long time ago and was a soldier. He protected people and tried to do good things. We discovered that he was known for rescuing someone from a dragon!


We learnt that he is the patron saint of England and that the English flag is called the St George’s cross.

EYFS - Clem and Crab

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:09pm

Our latest English text has been, Clem and Crab. It is a story about a little girl who wishes the beach would keep clean. She works hard to clean the beach and get rid of any rubbish. 


In class we have been learning all about the seaside and sea animals. We have enjoyed going on a litter hunt and writing letters to tell people to tidy up. 


We have also labelled pictures and re told the story.


"We need to look after the animals" - Tommy


"The crab got stuck in the litter!" - Dexter 


"We need to keep the beach tidy" - Maggie 

EYFS - Easter Craft

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:07pm

We have had some time with our prayer partners to celebrate Easter. We have made some Easter crafts to take home!

EYFS - St Patrick's Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:05pm

This week we have been learning about a very special person, Saint Patrick.


We found out that he is a patron saint of Ireland. We learnt that he worked hard to become a priest and spread the good news. We found out that people attend church on this day to celebrate his life.


We saw that people often wear green and some people dress up. We learned that some people attend parades too.


We found out more about the shamrock and had a go at making our own. We spent time mixing paint to make green too!


"We listened to Irish Music" - Pixie


"He lived in Ireland" - Clay 

EYFS - Chester Zoo

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:59pm

What a fantastic day we had! Today we all got to go on a bus to Chester Zoo. We were so excited as we went over the bridge! We could see for miles. The children sang 'The Wheels on the Bus' as we drove to the zoo.

Once we got there, we couldn't wait to see some animals. We were so lucky to see a lion up close! We had a fantastic day and got to see lots of animals. Some were hidden and we had to look very carefully to see them.

We had an amazing day and our feet were very tired! 

"My favourite animals were the penguins" - Roman 

"I loved the elephants" - Emily 

"My favourite was the giraffe" - Alba 

EYFS - Mother's Day Collective Worship

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:56pm

Today we invited parents and carers to attend our Mother's Day Collective Worship. 

EYFS - People Who Help Us

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:54pm

This week we have been learning all about the People Who Help Us in our community.


The children have loved dressing up as these special people. 


We asked the children who are some of the people that help us?


"We have learnt about nurses, doctors and ambulance drivers" - Jonas 


"Policeman" - Elliott 


"Bin drivers and rubbish men" - Polly


"Our teachers who teach us in school" - Delilah 


"Bus drivers" - Matthew 


"Firemen and women" - Zach 




EYFS - Jesus Feeding the 5 Thousand

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:49pm

This week in Religious Education, we have looked at the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. 

We learnt how the story of Jesus feeds the 5000 is in all four gospels. We listened carefully to find out that Jesus was in a remote place. We learnt that it grew late and the crowd were hungry. Jesus blessed the food and gave it to his disciples to share.  


Then we were told about the miracle that everyone was fed and that there were still baskets of food left over.


"He shared the bread" - Ezra 


"Jesus made sure everyone had some food. They were so hungry" - Ella 


"It was a miracle" - Kit 

EYFS - Chinese New Year

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:27pm


This week, EYFS have been learning about Chinese New Year. The children found out about this very old festival and its traditions.


They looked at the timeline of Chinese New Year. We found out that on New Year’s Eve, families spend time together and share a special, traditional Chinese meal. On New Year’s Day, the children wake up to red envelopes which contain money and lollies. In the evening, families celebrate in the street with fireworks. These are set off to frighten evil spirits away.

The children enjoyed Chinese mark making, dressing up in traditional Chinese clothes and food tasting.

EYFS - Music and Movement

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:21pm

Reception have been attending weekly Music and Movement sessions. They have learnt lots of musical vocabulary and learnt the names of instruments. 

EYFS - Stay and Play Communication and Language

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:17pm

Communication and Language is at the heart of our EYFS Curriculum

Children in Reception (F2) and working to:

  • Understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important
  • Learn new vocabulary
  • Ask questions to find out more
  • Engage in story times
  • Retell stories
  • Learn rhymes, poems and songs
  • Engage in non-fiction books
  • Share non-fiction books 


To further support our children with this, we invited parents and carers to stay for a Stay and Play INSPIRE session. The children completed a range of Communication and Language activities with their parents. 

EYFS - Tiger Who Came to Tea

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:05pm

Have you ever had a guest eat more than their fair share? 


EYFS had been learning all about The Tiger Who Came to Tea this week. They have loved the story and how the tiger emptied the fridge and cupboards! The children have tried some food from the story too. 


"We drew pictures of the food" - Hallie


"He is SO greedy!" - Harper 


"He has a rumbly tummy" - Cooper 


"Silly tiger!" - Jonas 

EYFS & Y6 - Christmas Craft Afternoon

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:01pm

Today with their prayer partners, Reception and Y6 had a Christmas Craft Afternoon. The children made hats, stockings, Father Christmas models and more! 

"I loved working with my brother" - Kit


"I got to sit with my prayer partner and make my own Father Christmas" - Oliver 


"Best afternoon ever!" - Harry

EYFS - Bouncy Castle

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 5:59pm

Today EYFS have had an extra special Christmas treat!


The children had two sessions to play on the bouncy castle and soft play area.


The children loved going down the slide with their friends. 


"It was the best day ever" - Eleanor


"I went fast" - Joel


"We had fun" - Elsie 

EYFS - The Wriggly Nativity

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 5:56pm

Wriggly nativity, wriggly nativity! Somehow you’ve just got to move: It’s a wriggly nativity.


Wow what an amazing performance by EYFS! The children all worked hard to learn their lines, songs and actions.


Our songs included:

  • The Wriggly Nativity
  • Donkey Plodding
  • Knock On Another Door
  • Rockabye Jesus
  • Dancing About In the Straw
  • Twinkling Stars
  • Angels
  • Bumping Up and Down On a Camel


"My favourite was Rockabye Jesus" - Matthew


"I loved dancing in the straw" - Tommy 


"I was Mary" - Grace 

EYFS - The Gruffalo

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 5:49pm

He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws... Who could it be? The Gruffalo! 

We have loved our shared reading text, The Gruffalo. We have spent time learning the story and have even used drama to re create the scenes. We had a special delivery from the library service, The Gruffalo puppets! The children have loved using the puppets and can remember the story. The children have also learnt The Gruffalo song and performed it together. 


"He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes" - Meredith 


"The mouse is the scariest creature in the wood" - Dexter 


"The mouse likes Gruffalo crumble" - Kasper 

EYFS - Fine Motor

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 5:43pm

EYFS have been working hard on developing their fine motor skills. The children have been grasping, squashing, stretching, threading, poking and printing to strengthen their fine motor skills. They are doing this so that they can further develop their pencil control. The children have loved filling water, mark making in sand and glitter, threading and dot painting. 

EYFS & Y2 - Maths Lessons

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 10:51am

The children are working hard in maths today. Year 2 are exploring a bar chart and EYFS are looking at ordering numbers. 

Whole School - Fun Run

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 7:40am

Everyone in school took part in our annual Fun Run to raise contributions for PTA school projects.

Unfortunately due to the weather this year we could not take part all together on our field.

Instead each class took their turn to complete laps of our playground track in Fancy Dress.

We counted our laps in 10 minutes.

"I always look forward to the Fun Run. This year I brought my dinosaur costume but still managed to do 15 laps!" - Josh Y4

"I really enjoy dressing up every year and doing the laps with my friends. We always end up on the same because we run side by side" - Holly Y5

"I'm sad that this was my last Fun Run in St Basil's. I managed to do 26 laps this time" - Alma Y6

EYFS - Exploring the Trim Trail

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 2:28pm

The children in EYFS have been exploring the trim trail in our outdoor area! They are so proud of themselves for completing it independently! 

EYFS - PE with Mr James

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 2:15pm

The children have enjoyed completing circuits outside and exploring the new PE equipment with Mr James. We have had so much fun!

EYFS - Dough Disco

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 2:11pm

The children enjoy our daily Dough Disco lessons! We have learnt 'Down in the Jungle' and 'I like to roll it'.


EYFS - At the Airport!

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 2:03pm

The children in EYFS have been learning about different places that we can travel to! We have opened our very own Travel Agents and Airport. The children have had so much fun booking their adventure and travelling to the airport! Spain has been a very popular destination! 

"Put your bag in there and take a seat." - Ezra

"Fly to Spain today! Only ten pounds!" - Eleanor


EYFS - Teddy Bear's Picnic

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 1:46pm

To celebrate or first week in EYFS, we brought in our favourite teddy bears from home and had a Teddy Bear's Picnic! We had jam sandwiches, biscuits, juice and sausage rolls! We all made our own teddy bear headbands to wear for the picnic. The children enjoyed talking about their favourite teddy bear with their new friends! What a lovely day!

"My favourite teddy bear sleeps with me." - Delilah

"Mine is a bunny because it is my favourite animal." - Polly


EYFS - All About Me!

Date: 19th Jun 2024 @ 1:33pm

During our first week in Reception, we spoke about our families and used acorns to represent each person! 

"Mum, Dad and Me!" - Clay

"Me and my sisters!" - Ella

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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