Prayer and Liturgy 2024 - 2025
Prayer and liturgy are central to the life of our school and are a key part of every school celebration.
Prayer takes place throughout every school day: pupils learn a range of prayers including the Our Father and Hail Mary, prayers for the beginning and end of day and before lunch.
Daily acts of worship through the ‘Celebration of the Word’ take place within class, as a whole school or key stage. Pupils regularly lead Celebration of the Word for their key stage and parents. They reflect the liturgical year and the Religious Education curriculum.
As a school we celebrate a variety of liturgies including Advent, Ash Wednesday, Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, Crowning and Blessing of Mary.
We are fortunate that St Basil's Catholic Church is in close proximity to our school. The church is a special place, the children visit regularly to celebrate Mass with our Parish family and as a school.