We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Year 5: Gallery

Y5 CG - Geography land use walk

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 7:57am

Y5 CG walked around the loca area to identify different types of land use that they have been learning about in Geography. 

M-R B- The most used type we seen was residential

LW- There's a nice big park which is classed as a recreational 

AS- The shops, barbers and dentist are all classed as commercial 

Y5CG- Maths number day

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:57am

This morning, Y5CG have taken part in a carousel of maths activities and games covering the various topics we have covered so far. Parents were invited to take part in the morning to work along side and join in with the different acitvities. 

Jubilee Year launch - Pilgrims of Hope - January 24th 2025

Date: 26th Jan 2025 @ 11:42am

Our school community came together for an amazing launch for the very special Jubilee Year.

 A Jubilee is celebrated within the Catholic church every 25 years. This year the theme will be 'Pilgrims of Hope'.

We are called together to experience joy and strength as we embarkon a journey to be 'agents of change,' working together for justice, love and peace, locally and globally.

After learning about the importance and theme of the Jubilee, the children across school have Celebrated the Word and written their own pledges.

We gathered together to reflect and share pledges before displaying them all around the hall.

We are excited for more events to come during the Jubilee Year and are filled with hope for the difference we can make in fulfilling our pledges!

Y5- Space

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 12:53pm

Class 5CG enjoyed learning about the planets in our solar system through finding facts and creating their own fact file on a scavenger hunt.

Whole School - Justice Days - 15th and 16th January 2025

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 3:03pm

The children have really enjoyed the past two 'Justice days'. They have focused on this particular house value and have taken part in a wide range of activities centred around the the theme of justice. Below is list of activities they have taken part in;

What is Justice?- First the children watched videos and learned about what Justice means. They then identified as a group what justice looks like in school, at home, in our communities and in the wider world.

St Oscar Romero- The children increased their knowledge about St Oscar Romero through different resources and created a fact file on his life focussing on his fight for justice. In KS1 the children found out about the significance of the Romero cross and the local people who make them in El Salvador.

St Mother Teresa- The children loved learning about St Mother Teresa and her selfless life and fight for justice. They took part in various debates and activities focussing on the timeline of her life.

DJ the Dolphin-  The children had a little refresher on what the CAFOD character DJ the Dolphin represents within Catholic social teaching.

Justice circle- The children enjoyed circle time focussed on the theme of Justice.

Fairtrade Banana game- KS2 children learned all about fairtrade when selling bananas and took part in some intense discussions regarding pay for each group or person in the chain. 

One for you, three for me - KS1 children took part in a craft activity to create their own ideal meal on a plate. They were then given a 'meal ticket' and many were shocked to discover that only a third of the class received would receive their own meal plate, the remaining children were entitled to a plate of rice. We talked about how this did not seem fair or 'just' but was something that is real for many people in our world.

P4C- The children absolutely loved taking part in the "Is it fair?" game. They also discussed and debated about Blind Justice. 

Wordle- The children created their own wordles based around the word 'Justice'.

Music- The children listened to songs relating to justice and identified the meanings behind them. They also added in some of their own verses as well as actions.

Prayer spaces - The children participated enthusiastically in a range of reflective activities linked to our Justice theme which included:                  Scripture art based on Micah 6: 6-8 to 'Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly'.                                                                                              Creating a justice cross using relevant words, images and symbols that they had found out about.                                                                            'International injustice' station at which the children located places on a world map where the people living there may need our prayers for justice. We placed candles over these places and prayed together.

Prayer writing - discussing ideas together and writing our own prayers for justice.

Art - children across the school worked with Miss Crowley on a special Justice themed  art project which will soon be displayed in school.





Year 5/6 Christmas bingo and reindeer drive

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 12:42pm

On their last day, Years 5 and 6 have had a fun filled morning playing bingo and taking part in a reindeer drive. 

Year 5/6 Disco

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 2:43pm

Year 5 and 6 have had an amazing day dancing and singing with all their friends and not one, but two discos! 

Y5- Christmas Party day

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 9:55am

Year 5 have had an amazing day, they have had a connect 4 tournament, played pass the parcel, musical statues, had a good sing a long to Christmas songs eating their party food and much, much more! The final surprise was a visit from Santa and his little helper!

Y5CG - Christmas cards in DT

Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 10:27am

Y5CG have worked really hard and creatively on their Christmas cards. They planned their card design and then created them by using a wide range of different resources. They included a mechanism to make features of their cards move and will then evaluate their finished product. 

Y5 - Visit to A Christmas Carol performance at Norton Priory

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 1:02pm

Year 5 had a wonderful morning watching a performance of 'A Christmas Carol' at Norton Priory. The children interacted with the performers excellently and had such a fun time.

Extra Curricular - Mini Vinnies Visit to Madeline McKenna Care Home

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 8:20am

The children sang carols and gave out the cards and ornaments they had made for the residents there.

Everyone had a lovely time and the children were given a selection box from the residents and staff.

The Mini Vinnies want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Y5 & Y6 - End of Autumn 1 Celebration Activities

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:15am

To celebrate all of our hard work and good behaviour in the first half term, we enjoyed a day of fun activities. 

The activities included painting, clay modelling and reading for pleasure. 

We had a really nice day and had some lovely artwork to take home with us at the end of the day. 

Whole School - Christmas Pantomime - The Emperor's New Clothes

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 9:28am

We all had an amazing morning laughing and joining in with our annual pantomine from Altru Drama

Y5 Parent Celebration of the Word - The Jesse Tree

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 9:21am

Year 5 held a beautiful Celebration of the Word in church for family members and others in our local community. The focus was the story of the Jesse Tree.

Y5 Visit to the Community Centre

Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 2:28pm

On Tuesday 10th December Year 5 were invited to Upton Community Centre to sing hymns and carols to some members of the community. Year 5 sang beautifully. Whilst there, they handed out Christams cards to the local residnets and even had a visit from Father Christmas.

Whole School - Baptism Friday 22nd November 2024

Date: 1st Dec 2024 @ 12:46pm

The families of Tommy, Billy, Teddy, Ezra and Zach joined the whole school as we came together for an amazing celebration in the school hall.

Father Mark Moran welcomed brothers Tommy, Billy and Teddy with a special Catholic blessing.

Ezra and Zach were then baptised as we all watched on, what an amazing experience to be part of!

Congratulations to all of the boys and their families - we hope you enjoyed your special celebration, including the cake afterwards!

Thank you for sharing such a proud and important day with your St Basil's family.

Y5 Dental nurse Visit - Dental Hygiene Week

Date: 27th Nov 2024 @ 10:53am

Year 5 enjoyed their visit from the dental health nurses. The children took part in lots of fun activities and learned so much more about their dental health.

Y5 - Parent Collective Worship - Life Choices

Date: 21st Nov 2024 @ 10:07am

On Wednesday 20th November Year 5 delievered a Collective Worship to parents all about Life Choices. The children sang hymns, said prayers and created a receipe for a good friendship. We have had some lovely feedback from the parents. Thank you for coming.

Whole School - Anti-Bullying Drama Performance

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 3:50pm

Altru Drama came into school to perform a play on the theme of bullying.

In the play, Lucy was being bullied by Izzy because she was different. Izzy eventually realised that what she was doing was wrong and she changed the way she was behaving towards Lucy. 

The performance showed us that it is ok to be different and that everyone should be treated with respect. 

Y5 - Science - Gravity

Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 1:59pm

Today Y5CG explored the effects of gravity on objects. In groups they measured the mass (g) of an object on the scales and compared them to measurement of weight (N) from the Newton scales that represent the strength of the gravitational pull.

Whole School - Road Safety Awareness

Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 8:21am

This week we met as a school to talk about Road Safety Week. This year it will take place from the 17th to the 23rd of November. 


We thought about who our road safety heroes were. We decided they were people who would: 

  • Work really hard to overcome difficulty
  • Do something really well
  • Be really brave

We learnt that everyone who helps make journeys safer and healthier or helps care for someone after a crash is a road safety hero.

We talked about the different road safety heroes: 

  • School crossing patrols
  • Roads policing officers
  • Road designers and highway engineers
  • Fire and rescue services
  • Ambulance services
  • Medical staff in hospitals

The Y5 road safety officers will be holding a poster competition in November to make people aware of road safety dangers and how to cross safely. 


Whole School: Blessing of Mary in memory of Christine Wilson

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 12:28pm

On Wednesday 16th October we gathered as a school family to remember Christine Wilson with Father Peter Ross.

Christine was a much loved and valued member of St Basil's and a former Chair of Governors.

We also welcomed Jim Wilson and members of their family, as well as some close friends.

Father Peter led us in prayer and dedicated our new statue of Mary to the memory of Christine, significant particularly during this special month of October.

The children shared in the our liturgy with readings and prayers, as well as with their absolutely beautiful singing.

The occasion was a heartfelt tribute which warmed all of our hearts and provided a lasting memory to treasure.



Y5 Child led Collective Worship

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:32am

Some of the pupils from Y5CG planned a wonderful collective worship on Our Lady of They Rosary. They included three different hymns and scripture from the Bible. 

Y5 Mass

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:26am

Year 5 attended Mass at the church and were exemplary in representing our school within the local parish community. It was the perfect way to start the week. 

Y5 - Music

Date: 22nd Oct 2024 @ 9:21am

Y5CG loved their first lesson together as a class with their brass instruments. It was only planned that they would attempt to learn one song but they were that impressive that they started to learn three on their first lesson.

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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