Year 5: Gallery
Whole school - Harvest Cereal Challenge for Widnes Foodbank
Date: 19th Oct 2024 @ 2:44pm
On Friday the 18th of October, we had a great morning completing our Cereal rally challenge.
After collecting boxes of cereal over the last month, each child came with their class to place a box in line ready for 'the big push!'
We were joined by Vicky from the Foodbank and Pip Turner from Asda who organised a donation on their behalf.
We also received a donation from Tesco in Widnes too, which helped boost our boxes to around 230 in total.
The children joined in with a countdown and watching the boxes being knocked over, followed by big cheers at the end!
Thank you to everybody who donated and to all of our children for particpating and showing their solidarity with others.
Comments from the children across school included:
"It was great fun and we got to help people too!"
"I hope people in Widnes won't be hungry now."
"The Foodbank is a brilliant thing."
"I can't wait to do more to help other people."
"I hope the people who get our cereal love eating it."
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 8:22am
This years play leaders have been chosen and they have spent the afternoon learning all about their new roles and responsibilities. They have worked collaboratively and creatively to come up with new games and ways to help KS1 develop during their lunchtimes.
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 12:03pm
As part of CAFOD Family Fast Day, pupils in KS2 were given the opportunity to join our CAFOD Simple Lunch.
Instead of their usual school dinner, these KS2 pupils chose to have a simple lunch of soup, bread and fruit, to show Solidarity and respect Human Dignity two of our Catholic Social Teaching principles. This showed how we can think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves and only have our fair share.
Whole School - Sign Language Awareness Week
Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 5:03pm
We celebrated Sign Language Awareness week by inviting Father Mark into school to teach us some sign language.
We spoke about why Sign Language is important so that everyone is treated fairly and justly, linking to our Year of Justice and the Catholic Social Teaching principle of Human Dignity.
Father Mark wrote a prayer with our help that we will use throughout our Year of Justice and we learnt the signs for fair, hunger, thirst and rights.
We also then followed this up by learning how to spell our own names in British Sign Language, taking home a sheet to share this with our families.
"My name was really hard to sign because I have a double letter" - William
"I really enjoyed working with Father Mark, I'm excited to hear the final prayer" - Penelope
Y5 - Townhall Visit - Democracy and Parliament Week
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 12:42pm
Today, Year 5 went to the Townhall to meet the Mayor. We had a lovely trip and learned lots about democracy and the history of Widnes and Runcorn.
Josh: I enjoyed our trip because I live in Halton
Mia: I loved pretending to be the Mayoress
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 12:13pm
Year 5 took part in Bikeability. Level 1 was learning how to use signs when out on the road and level 2 was going out on the roads using these signs.
Emmie: I was nervous at first but I got used to it.
Ebony: I really enjoyed it.
Ruby: The skills we learned we will be able to use through life.
Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 7:55am
On a Wednesday we bring a book to share during Book Lunch, we share the book with our partners and discuss the authors, characters or themes.
This year, Year 6 are beginning to interview pupils in each class about their favourite book, which we will play out on the hall screen for everyone to share.
Whole School - Visit from Imran Kotwal for Islam week
Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:40pm
On Friday 2oth September, Imran Kotwal visited school to help us with our learning about the religion of Islam.
As a Muslim, Imran shared some important items with us and talked about how they are used in daily life, particularly with prayer.
We saw prayer mats and photographs of different mosques, as well as sweet smelling oil which can be used as part of the cleaning ritual before prayer.
Imran also told us about the prophet Muhammad, a key person for Muslims.
This is what some of the children felt about the visit in Year 1 and 2.
"It was really good to know about it all."
"I liked finding out new stuff."
"The best bit was watching how Imran prayed."
"I know that praying is very important to lots of people."
"Religions are sometimes not all the same."
"Everyone is special themselves."
Whole School Assembly - Widnes Foodbank Cereal Challenge
Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:16pm
This week we launched our Harvest campaign to support the Foodbank here in Widnes.
We held a special assembly and remembered what we have already managed to achieve as a school in helping those in need.
Photos of last year's visit to the Foodbank by the RE Ambassadors were a great reminder, as well as the visit from Margaret and Eileen, two of their volunteers.
To continue our promise to try and 'live in solidarity' with others, we will be collecting donations of cereal over the next month.
On Friday 18th October, we will hold our 'Cereal domino rally' with all of the boxes that are donated.
Whole School Friday Worship - Catholic Social Teaching
Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 9:10am
Today we celebrated our first Friday Gospel Collective Worship with Mrs Sheppard.
It was all about Catholic Social Teaching
Date: 23rd Jul 2024 @ 2:09pm
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 8:06am
Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 competed in the town sports and did our school proud. Their behaviour was exemplary and they competed hard. We had numerous children in the finals competing against the best athletes in the town, well done to you all.
Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 2:54pm
Finally, we have had some luck with the weather and we have been able to get all of the children out to enjoy an afternoon competing in their houses. All of the children really hard and displayed great sportsmanship qualities. Below is a list of the events the children took part in;
KS1 |
KS2 |
Balance ball |
Shot putt |
Javelin |
Javelin |
Target throw |
Slalom run |
Hurdles |
Hurdles |
50m sprint |
100m sprint |
Assault course |
Assault coursde |
Whole School - St Basil's Marketplace
Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 10:56am
We all had a chance on Friday afternoon to visit our annual St Basil's Marketplace
Throughout the week, we have been creating, budgeting and presenting our items in year groups to sell.
There are activities to try our luck at, such as sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy and coordinate treasure maps
We also have a chance to play some carnival games to win prizes, including hook a duck, tombola, penalty shoot outs and a coconut shy.
This year our MartketPlace has raised ...
Date: 3rd Jul 2024 @ 11:20am
Year 5 have been busy preparing for St Basils's Market Place. We have taken our budget of £20 and spent it on beads and string, cardboard holders, a jar and sweets. This has spent out £20 and now we hope to generate more money to make a profit. Our estimated profits varied between £70-£110!
'I think that if the whole class of 30 children make 4 phone charms each and we sell them for £1 each, then we should generate £120 - £20 that we have spent. Which is £100 profit. I think that we should charge 50p for a go of 'Tin Can Alley' and for every 20 children that play, we will make an extra £10 profit on top. We also have a 'Guess the total amount of sweets in the jar' competition which is 50p a go too. I can't wait to see how much money our class generate!' Lewis
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 1:49pm
Year 5 were lucky enough to serve the rest of the school a sample of some French cuisine today for our French Breakfast.
'I really enjoyed the brioche and dipped it in to my chocolate milkshake, it was delicious!' Holly
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 11:54am
Year 5 have been busy preparing for their end of year performance to showcase all the skills they have learnt this year in Music. Children have learnt to play either a brass or woodwind instrument and have worked hard to read and perform a range of songs in class together. Some children even have solo ensembles.
Well done Year 5!
'I like music because our school lessons have helped me to play and I also love 90s music now such as Oasis and The Stone Roses.' Thomas
'I have enjoyed playing brass this year and I liked how we all had the opportunity to choose an instrument to play. In our time in music we have been taught different songs and styles of music (R&B and Funk).' Olly
'I like music because ut lets you express your feelings and what you like.' Evie
Environment Council - Wonky Garden Visit
Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 4:56pm
The Environment Council took a visit to the Wonky Garden in Widnes.
This is a community garden who have transformed disused land into a space for all to enjoy nature.
We went along with Mrs Sheppard to gather some ideas for our own school grounds work.
We had the chance to harvest some potatoes, which we brought back and cooked with butter and herbs!
The volunteers also gave us some pumpkin plants to plant in our EYFS area. We will keep these nurtured ready for harvesting in Autumn.
Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 11:11am
Year 5 children have been learning about conversions of different measure and how to convert units of length.
Children looked at metres, including millimetres and kilometres. They chose an item to measure in centimetres and then had to work out how many of their items would be needed to fit in a kilometre.
'I really enjoy active maths as it's fun and we get to work on an activity with our friends. It was really hard to convert our items from centimetres to kilometres as we measured the football net which was 5metres wide. So our group had to think carefully about what we were going to do. We couldn't just multiply our meaure by 1000 as this wouldn't have worked. What we did was work out how many football goals would fit in to 10 metres which was 2, then we used our knowledge on powers of 10 to multiply 10 by 100 which gets us the total distance of 1,000 Metres (1KM). We then had our answer of 200 football goals. 200 goals X 5 metres = 1,000metres.' Alex, Cody, Lukie & Olly
Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 9:44am
This week, Year 5 tye dyed an item of clothing each. We started by watching a video of how to create different patterns by tying our material with bands. The most popular design were bullseye and spiral.
I loved tye dying because it was fun to do and we got to choose our own colours and patterns- Hollie
I had never done tye dying before. I really enjoted it because it was something different - Lukie
I liked tye dying because I liked the fact I had a new tshirt at the end of the process- Cody
Y5- In Class Collective Worship
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:22pm
At the end of our Freedom and Responsibility topic we planned and delivered a class Collective Worship.
I liked the singing. We sang ' Go Out to all the World' by John Burland - Evie
We watched a great video about the ten commandments - Lukie
I liked that we were given time to refelct - Corey
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:11pm
Yeaer 5 conducted a science experiment to find out how me can separate different materials. We used paper clips, raisins, water, rice and flour. We used a magnet to find a paper clip in floor. We used a sieve to separate raisins and flour. We placed salt in water and left it in the sun to see if it will evaporate.
I liked conducting this experiment because we all got a turn of using a magnet - Toby
I liked how all children in our class took part - Isla
We are excited to see our results with the evaporation part of our experiment - Alex
Y5 - How To Look After Your Teeth Visit
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 1:59pm
Year 5 were lucky enough to learn all about how to look after our teeth thanks to Kerry and Sandra
I enjoyed the activity were we brushed the teeth - Alex
I learned that you shouldn't rinse after brushing because it takes away the floride that protects your teeth - Isla
I learned that you should only use a pea sized amount of toothpaste when you brush - Rosie
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 7:40am
Everyone in school took part in our annual Fun Run to raise contributions for PTA school projects.
Unfortunately due to the weather this year we could not take part all together on our field.
Instead each class took their turn to complete laps of our playground track in Fancy Dress.
We counted our laps in 10 minutes.
"I always look forward to the Fun Run. This year I brought my dinosaur costume but still managed to do 15 laps!" - Josh Y4
"I really enjoy dressing up every year and doing the laps with my friends. We always end up on the same because we run side by side" - Holly Y5
"I'm sad that this was my last Fun Run in St Basil's. I managed to do 26 laps this time" - Alma Y6
Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 11:13am
Year 5 have been working on their ball control and accuracey when passing.