We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

EYFS (F1) Preschool: Gallery

EYFS - The Magi

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 1:55pm

In RE this half term, the children in EYFS have been leanring all about The Magi. We have listened to the story in the Bible and made star headbands to help us remember.



Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem. Soon afterwards, some men who studied the stars came from the East to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the baby born to be the king of the Jews? We saw his star when it came up in the east, and we have come to worship him.”

When they saw the star, how happy they were, what joy was theirs! It went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshipped him. They brought out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and presented them to him.

EYFS - Maths

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 1:50pm

The children in EYFS have had lots of fun exploring numbers up to 20 this half term! We have some great mathematicians here at St Basil's! 



EYFS - A Walk in the Woods

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 1:35pm

Our new English text this half term is, A Walk in the Woods. The children have really enjoyed finding out about all of the different seasons. We were able to go outside and explore to see if we could find any signs of Winter. 


The children have talked about their favourite season and have created some beautiful art work to go on their Proud Peg!

EYFS - Chinese New Year

Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 1:30pm

The children in EYFS have really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year this half term. We have opened our very own 'Chinese Resturaunt' roleplay area within the classroom. 


The children were able to make paper chains and snake masks to celebrate! They have joined in with some Chinese New Year traditional dancing and have watched lots of videos of street parties and festivals! The children have mostly enjoyed experiencing the taste of China! We have tried some traditional chinese food including, noodles, prawn crackers and rice.


"So yummy!" - Ivy


"I like to make noodles with my Dad at home." - Tommy


"I like the sweet and sour sauce!" - Rylee


"It's the year of the snake!" - Bayen


Jubilee Year launch - Pilgrims of Hope - January 24th 2025

Date: 26th Jan 2025 @ 11:42am

Our school community came together for an amazing launch for the very special Jubilee Year.

 A Jubilee is celebrated within the Catholic church every 25 years. This year the theme will be 'Pilgrims of Hope'.

We are called together to experience joy and strength as we embarkon a journey to be 'agents of change,' working together for justice, love and peace, locally and globally.

After learning about the importance and theme of the Jubilee, the children across school have Celebrated the Word and written their own pledges.

We gathered together to reflect and share pledges before displaying them all around the hall.

We are excited for more events to come during the Jubilee Year and are filled with hope for the difference we can make in fulfilling our pledges!

EYFS - Bouncy Castle

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:18pm

We have loved going on the Christmas bouncy castle and soft play as a special end of term treat. The children have had the best time whizzing down the slide. We also had a very special visit from Father Christmas and one of his elves! We have loved signing Christmas songs and making Christmas crafts.

EYFS - Craft Morning

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:14pm

Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us for our craft morning. The children loved making salt dough Christmas ornaments, Father Christmas spiral hanging decorations, decorating baubles, making Christmas cards and much more! The children loved sharing time with their parents and carers in school. 

EYFS - Advent

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:11pm

What an exciting time we have had in EYFS this month! We have been learning all about waiting and Advent in RE. We have used the knitted nativity set to retell the story of Jesus’ birth. We put up our Christmas tree and made our own Advent promise hearts.

 The children have been busy decorating wooden Christmas tree ornaments, making reindeer food and designing our own Christmas cards. This year EYFS had a special visitor, Jimmy the Shepherd, who has been helping the children understand the true meaning of Christmas with daily tasks. 

Pre School - PE

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:09pm

This week in PE with Mr Ward we have been focusing on our balancing skills. We have been using bean bags and balls to balance when still and moving. To make things even harder we then walked along the bench!

EYFS - Dentist

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:06pm

This week we have had a special visit from the Halton Dental Service. They told us all about how to clean our teeth properly and what foods to avoid. The children loved practicing cleaning their teeth and sorting foods. We then got to take home a brand new tooth brush and tooth paste, the children couldn’t wait to brush their teeth at home!

EYFS - Snow Day!

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:03pm

Wow! What a lovely surprise we had over night. The children were amazed by the snow and ice in the EYFS area. In small groups we went outside to discover. The children loved going down the hill and making snow balls.


“Brrrr! It was cold out there” – Ivy


“I’m making a snowman” – Aoife


“Ahhhh it’s chilly” – Pixie

EYFS - Party Shop

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 12:00pm

This term we have loved exploring in our very own Party Shop, inspired by our English book, 'Festivals'



The children have been selling cards, wrapping paper, plates and part accessories. 



They have been learning about religious and special festivals around the world too. 



"You can buy Christmas cards here" - Troy


"I am selling birthday candles" - Junior 


"Don't forget your wrapping paper" - Ruby 

EYFS - Remembrance

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 8:16am

This week we have been reflecting and learning about remembrance day. 


The children have done some potato printing to make their own poppies as a sign of respect. 


They have learnt more about Festivals around the world.

EYFS - Bonfire Night and Diawli

Date: 11th Nov 2024 @ 4:18pm

What a busy week we have had!
Our new text is called 'Festivals'. It has some beautiful illustrations and we have loved learning about festivals from around the world. We now have a role play party shop, thank you for all your donations!

One of the festivals we have been learning about is Diwali, the festival of light. We have enjoyed learning about the story and making our own diya lamps. We listened to some Diwali dance music too! 

We have also been looking at Bonfire Night and fire safety. The children have made chalk firework pictures and talked about their experiences with Bonfire Night. 

In RE we have learnt about the Annunication story and how Mary was chosen by God. The children have loved retelling the story with the knitted nativity set. 

EYFS - Farm fun!

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 8:01am

This week we have continued to enjoy our 'Farm Shop' role play. The children have had new produce to sell including leeks, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and carrots. They have loved being the shop keeper and dressing up!


The children have loved reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and can now retell the story themselves. In English we have read ‘Homes’ by Ellis Carson, whilst still thinking about poor Mr Bear in ‘Peace at Last’, who cannot get any sleep!


The children have continued to be in awe of autumn and we have talked about how God made everything in our world. They have made autumn salt paintings and explored autumnal colours.  The children have listened to a range of songs about our beautiful world. They have met Sophia the Sloth to learn about Catholic Social Teaching and stewardship.

Outside the children have enjoyed refining their gross motor skills on the bikes and by making trampoline parks out of the crates!

EYFS - Farm Shop

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 4:49pm

Our shared reading text is now 'A Squash and a Squeeze' and we have been learning all about the farm. 


The children are loving our new role play, the farm shop.


They have had real produce to sell and have certainly filled their baskets!


We have all enjoyed singing ‘Old Mac Donald had a fam’ with the puppets.


The children have also been experimenting printing with different animals. 

EYFS - Peace at Last

Date: 30th Sep 2024 @ 4:43pm

We have had another busy but exciting week in EYFS.


The children have enjoyed continuing to read our shared reading text, 'Whatever Next' and our English text, 'Peace at Last'. They have been thinking about what keeps Mr Bear up at nigjt. 


They have made pizzas for Mr Bear to eat out of playdough. 


All of the children have loved doing 'dough disco' and have been working on their fine motor skills.


Pre school have learnt all about the number 2 and have made their own number 2 number blocks,


Reception have now learnt the sounds s, a, t, and p and have been working on forming these letters correctly. In maths they have been investigating number 4. 

EYFS - Sensory Play

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:42pm

This week we have been enjoying reading our shared reading text 'Whatever Next'.


In the story, Baby Bear visits space and it made the children wonder what it would feel like to be in space. 


The children explored in a sensory tray working on their fine motor skills.


With Miss Clark the children made some sensory moon dough too. 

EYFS - Number 1

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:38pm

This week Pre School have been learning all about number 1.


We have been on a number hunt around the classroom and have been practicing our counting skills.


The children have made their own number 1 numberblock too! 

EYFS - Green Frog

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:36pm

This week we have loved learning the song 'Little Green Frog' 


We have even found a guiro frog and have been learning how to play the song. 


We have used the 'singing hands' video to help us to learn the lyrics and actions. 

EYFS - Week 2

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 4:33pm

What a week we have had! 


This week we have enjoyed our shared reading text, 'Whatever Next'. 


We have made space cakes and played with the space small world. 


The children have explored both inside and outside in EYFS. 


They have set put a teddy bear's cafe and have enjoyed making orders for the teddies. 


Outside we noticed an apple tree. The children have loved picking and printing with the apples. 

Whole School Assembly - Widnes Foodbank Cereal Challenge

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:16pm

This week we launched our Harvest campaign to support the Foodbank here in Widnes.

We held a special assembly and remembered what we have already managed to achieve as a school in helping those in need.

Photos of last year's visit to the Foodbank by the RE Ambassadors were a great reminder, as well as the visit from Margaret and Eileen, two of their volunteers.

To continue our promise to try and 'live in solidarity' with others, we will be collecting donations of cereal over the next month.

On Friday 18th October, we will hold our 'Cereal domino rally' with all of the boxes that are donated. 

EYFS - Our first week at St Basil's

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 8:22am

All the children have really enjoyed their first week at St Basil's.


We are so proud of how they have followed the school rules and made lots of new friends.


The children have enjoyed exploring both inside and outside. 


We have spent time in the reading dens, the spaceship and Mr Bear's house! 


The children have enjoyed reading our shared reading text, Whatever Next!


Sophia - Mrs Sheppard has made us a baby blanket! 


Isla - I am making some cakes 


Aoife - We have been playing in the doll's house 



EYFS - First day PM

Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 8:18am

What a fantastic afternoon we have had!


The children have enjoyed their first afternoon at St Basil's.


They have made lots of new friends and have enjoyed having some time in our outdoor area. 


The children have loved playing in the role play vets and riding on the bikes. 

EYFS - First day AM

Date: 10th Sep 2024 @ 7:56am

What a brilliant morning we have had!


The children have all settled well into life at St Basil's and have made lots of new friends.


They have enjoyed experimenting in the water and role playing in the vets.


The children have been to space in the spaceship and built towns and cities.

Connect with us! We would love to hear from you

St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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