We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

English: Gallery

EYFS - Tiger Who Came to Tea

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 6:05pm

Have you ever had a guest eat more than their fair share? 


EYFS had been learning all about The Tiger Who Came to Tea this week. They have loved the story and how the tiger emptied the fridge and cupboards! The children have tried some food from the story too. 


"We drew pictures of the food" - Hallie


"He is SO greedy!" - Harper 


"He has a rumbly tummy" - Cooper 


"Silly tiger!" - Jonas 

EYFS - The Gruffalo

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 5:49pm

He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws... Who could it be? The Gruffalo! 

We have loved our shared reading text, The Gruffalo. We have spent time learning the story and have even used drama to re create the scenes. We had a special delivery from the library service, The Gruffalo puppets! The children have loved using the puppets and can remember the story. The children have also learnt The Gruffalo song and performed it together. 


"He has knobbly knees, and turned-out toes" - Meredith 


"The mouse is the scariest creature in the wood" - Dexter 


"The mouse likes Gruffalo crumble" - Kasper 

Y3 & Y4 - Visit to Liverpool Empire Theatre: Awful Auntie

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 4:45pm

After reading Awful Auntie by David Walliams as our class novel, everyone in Year 3 and 4 took a trip to Liverpool Empire Theatre to see the production performed live!

We travelled on the train to Lime Street Station, then took our seats in the stalls ready for the show. 

"Even though we knew what was going to happen, it was really exciting seeing the book come to life!" - Annie

"I've read the book twice, I was so excited to see the show and it did not disappoint" - Henry

"I've never been to the theatre before, it was an amazing building and I really want to go again now" - Jacob

Y5 - Visit to the Lowry Theatre

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 10:13am

Y5 enjoyed a live performance at the Lowry to watch 'Boy in the Back of the Class'. This was our class novel which we had been reading in class, then children were very lucky to be able to watch it live! What a fantastic trip.

Y5 & Y6 - Read to Succeed Summer 1

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 2:58pm

Years 5 and 6 continued with the Read to Succeed challenge this half term. Children had to read five times a week in order to earn a reading book to keep from a selection they chose themselves. Well done to all the children who succeed in the challenge. We are so proud of you!

Being able to choose the Tom Gates books as a prize for Read to Succeed made me want to read more so that I could earn one of them to take home. – Freddie

I like to complete the Read to Succeed challenge because it helps me with my learning and a get a reward of a book that I would like to read. – Jessie

I like Read to Succeed because it encourages me to read. I felt really proud when I got my book. – Ellissa

I like Read to Succeed because you get to read and you get a prize at the end of it. – Charlie

I am so happy that I completed ‘Read to Succeed’ because now I have another great book to read. The book that I chose was one of the Goosebumps books. – Alyssa

It was my first time getting Read to Succeed and I felt proud of myself for getting a prize from reading. – Darcie

This was my first time finishing Read to Succeed. I enjoyed this challenge because it encourages me and other students to read. I chose Dogman because I like reading comics and it looked very funny. I felt super excited but nervous at the same time. - Cody

A big congratulations to Alex, Charlie, Darcie and Cody who have completed Read to Succeed for the first time this half term!

Y5 & Y6 - Fantastically Great Women - Lowry Theatre Visit

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 12:27pm

Year 5 and 6 pupils had a fantastic evening at the Lowry Theatre.

We watched the brand new production of Fantastically Great Women, based on the text we had read in our English lessons.

"I liked watching the actors sing live. I also liked all of the colourful props they used." Ellissa 

"I enjoyed the production because it was a musical story and it helped me to understand more about the women we learnt about in English." Jake

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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