We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Rainbow Unit Weekly Update

Class: Rainbow Unit Year: 2023 - 2024

This week has been another very busy week for the children. We have enjoyed using the musical instruments and all of the children have shown an interest in the different sounds that they have been able to make. We have continued to sing ‘5 speckled frogs’ and ‘5 little ducks’ each day and some of the children are showing a progression with their attention as they are looking for longer periods of time at the singer. The children have loved being outside this week in our outdoor area and have continued to explore their setting. We have been putting our wellies on to jump in puddles and squelch in the mud. One of our main focuses this week has been continuing to use the core boards when requesting more snack. Some children are consistently doing this independently now and are showing an awareness of the ‘stop/finished’ symbol which we use at the end of snack time. The children are doing really well in accepting that snack is finished when we point to this.

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St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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