Rainbow Unit Weekly Update
Class: Rainbow Unit Year: 2023 - 2024
This week has been an enjoyable week with the snow and ice (not so fun for the grown-ups!)
All of the children have enjoyed exploring the snow. We even made a few snowballs. We have been working on our independence skills by finding our wellies/coats for when it is time to go outside. This week the children have continued to show an awareness of our good morning and good afternoon song, there have been some occasions where they have come over to use whilst we have been singing which is wonderful progress. We have introduced some gym equipment into the sensory room and the children have been exploring this safely and even balancing other objects on top of it. As part of our understanding the world, we have offered the children the opportunity to explore their senses using safe sand and a sensory farmyard. We have noticed that some of the children have enjoyed tasting the safe sand, this is really easy to make... it's just crushed up Rice Krispies .