We Love, Learn and Succeed
Following Jesus

Catholic Life

St Basil's Year of Justice - 2024 - 2025

This year our focal Mission Value will be Justice

The Four Pillars of Peace in Social Life: Truth, Justice, Charity and Freedom.

Justice is about truth, fairness and equality for all.

CAFOD Family Fast Day - Simple Lunch - September

As part of CAFOD Family Fast Day, pupils in KS2 were given the opportunity to join our CAFOD Simple Lunch. 

Instead of their usual school dinner, these KS2 pupils chose to have a simple lunch of soup, bread and fruit, to show Solidarity and respect Human Dignity two of our Catholic Social Teaching principles. This showed how we can think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves and only have our fair share.

Harvest Foodbank Collection - September/October

We launched our Harvest campaign to support the Foodbank here in Widnes.

We held a special assembly and remembered what we have already managed to achieve as a school in helping those in need.

Photos of last year's visit to the Foodbank by the RE Ambassadors were a great reminder, as well as the visit from Margaret and Eileen, two of their volunteers.

To continue our promise to try and 'live in solidarity' with others, we will be collecting donations of cereal over the next month.

On Friday 18th October, we will hold our 'Cereal domino rally' with all of the boxes that are donated. 

St Basil's Year of Peace - 2023 - 2024

Mission Mass - June

To conclude our Year of Peace we celebrated our Mission Mass in St Basil's church with Father Moran. It was a lovely special time for us all to come together, including our Year 6 prayer partners joining with EYFS

Sacramental Celebration - June

In June the whole school celebrates with the children and families who have received the sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion in a special collective worship. The children enjoy wearing their special communion outfits again and the celebration cake!

Crowning of Mary - May

The whole school celebrated a beautiful Collective Worship for the crowning of Mary as May is the month of Mary.

Thank you to Father Clarke for leading our worship alongside our RE Ambassadors and some Year 6 children. 

Peace Week and Archbishop Malcolm Visit - January

On Wednesday 17th January, we were joined by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon and other guests from the Archdiocese of Liverpool, along with Father Mark Moran and our school governors.

We enjoyed some very special events as part of our 'Year of Peace' (2023-24).

The children particpated in prayer spaces with activities that included painting peace pebbles, origami boats for our peace river, hanging peace doves and creating prayers in our prayer garden.

Time was spent reflecting on how peace begins with us and how we can help be bring peace in pur relationships.

Other great activities around school included a Peace Dance, Music to celebrate peace and learning sign language for the song 'Peace perfect peace'.

We were also joined by Peace Pathways who worked with each year group on how to solve problems when there is a conflict.

Laudato Si Days - November

We had two amazing days in which our whole school were able to learn about our Common home, build for nature and pray for our world.

This all followed Pope Francis' message to the world 'Laudato Si'

Connect with us! We would love to hear from you

St Basil's Catholic Primary School
Hough Green Road, Hough Green, Widnes, WA8 4SZ


Mrs M Bolton | School Business Manager
0151 424 7887
Mrs A.M. Sheppard | Headteacher
Mrs K Jones and Miss R Abbott | Senco
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